Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
The impact of leadtime and years of competitive rivalry on pioneer market share advantages
Research has established that for surviving brands, market pioneers have a higher...
Competitive market structures: A subset selection analysis
Market structure models are used to identify submarkets or to test for the presence of...
Energy consumption in transport in Great Britain: Macro level estimates
Transport has continued to increase its consumption of nonrenewable energy resources...
The target market for methanol fuel
A survey of vehicle owners was conducted in New York State and California to explore...
Number of sales forecast methods and marketing management
The links between the number of sales forecasting methods used by a company, the...
Optimal pulsing in an advertising diffusion model
Empirical evidence indicates that a given moderate number of advertisements per year...
The long run, causality, and forecasting in the advertising-sales relationship
Co-integration analysis is used in a study of the advertising and sales relationship...
Modeling goes to Hollywood: Predicting individual differences in movie enjoyment
Consumer behavior researchers are getting more interested in the experiential aspect...
The growth of interorganizational systems in the presence of network externalities
The authors develop a model of network growth in the presence of network externalities...
Optimal dynamic pricing of inventories with stochastic demand over finite horizons
In many industries, managers face the problem of selling a given stock of items by a...
Competitive pricing by a price leader
The authors examine the problem of pricing in a market where one brand acts as a price...
Selection of product line qualities and prices to signal competitive advantage
The authors investigate a firm’s choice of prices and qualities of a product...
Database marketing increases prospecting effectiveness at Merrill Lynch
Establishing new client relationships is critical in the financial services industry....
Dynamic optimal control models in advertising: Recent developments
This paper presents a review of recent developments that have taken place in the area...
Pricing and delivery-time performance in a competitive environment
The authors present a model of market competition in which customer preferences are...
Cross-national ‘laws’ and differences in market response
International differences in general, and cultural differences in particular, exert...
Meeting seasonal demand in a dynamic production environment
Seasonal fluctuations in demand can cause difficulties in scheduling production for a...
A multiobjective approach to design franchise outlet networks
The economic goals and the resulting locational objectives of a franchisor and its...
Statistical analysis of how telecommunication services are used in households
The results of the ‘Survey on telecommunication use in households and...
Investigating the sensitivity of equilibrium profits to advertising dynamics and competitive effects
The paper investigates the validity of the ‘flat maximum principle’-the...
An aid for strategic marketing in the banking industry: A Markov analysis
This study illustrates the use of Markov analysis as a strategic planning method in...
High-Definition Television: Assessing demand forecasts for a next generation consumer durable
High-definition Television promises to be the next generation of television. This...
A study of forecasting of competitive products
When a new innovative product is put into market as a counterpart to traditional...
Finding optimal survey policies via adaptive Markov decision processes
The paper considers the problem of determining how many questionnaires to mail at...
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