Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
The organization and improvement of market forecasting
Quantitative forecasting techniques are not much used in organizations. Instead,...
Integrating marketing and production planning in Make-to-Order companies
Make-to-Order companies are in the business of supplying products only in response to...
Location of a new facility on a linear market in the presence of weights
In this paper, the authors study the trading areas of n facilities with unequal...
Heuristics for pricing and positioning a product-line using conjoint and cost data
Designing and pricing a product-line is the very essence of every business. In recent...
Analysis of the automatic control market in Chile
In this paper an analysis of the automatic control market in Chile is presented. This...
Optimal advertising in growing-stabilizing markets
The method of dynamic programming is used to determine the optimal synthesis of an...
The strategic management paradigm and the wood building products industry: A model of strategies and firm profitability
A model of strategies and firm profitability was developed and tested for the North...
Demand for clean-fuel vehicles in California: A discrete-choice stated preference pilot project
A study was conducted to determine how demand for clean-fuel vehicles and their fuels...
Market simulations based on Conjoint Analysis
The objective of this work is to describe and to discuss market simulators based on...
Modeling coordination in organizations and markets
Thomas Malone utilizes the concept of vulnerability costs in order to compare the...
The modernization of Merit Brass
The Merit Brass Company embarked on a modernization program at midyear 1990. Its goal...
The marketing-manufacturing interface and manufacturing flexibility
Research has found that while flexibility is a prime advantage of new flexible...
Competition and investment in flexible technologies
This paper examines the implications of market structure on investment in flexible...
Optimal co-operative advertising decisions in direct mail operations
This paper considers optimization of vertical co-operative promotion decisions in a...
Modeling telecommunications demand analysis
Over the last 20 years, legal and regulatory decisions, culminating in the divestiture...
Predictive accuracy of simple versus complex econometric market share models: Theoretical and empirical results
While econometric market share models have been shown to be useful to managers as...
Judgemental revision of sales forecasts: The relative performance of judgementally revised versus non-revised forecasts
The judgemental revision of sales forecasts is an issue which is receiving increasing...
Engineering costs and customer costs in designing product support
Product support encompasses activities undertaken by durable goods producers to ensure...
A Markovian model of consumer buying behavior and optimal advertising pulsing policy
This paper deals with the problem of scheduling optimal advertising policy for a very...
Analysis of a multi-period pricing problem
The authors consider the pricing decision of a firm over a planning horizon ( T) in a...
A simulation model for industrial marketing
Developing an effective marketing mix is an important task for product planners...
Operations research in industry: New opportunities in a changing world
During the birth of operations research in World War II, some of the greatest...
Estimating loyalty and switching with an application to the automobile market
A brand switching model that considers the choices: previous choice, current choice,...
Pricing and capacity decisions for a service facility: Stability and multiple local optima
The paper considers a model for optimal pricing and capacity for a service facility....
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