Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
Optimization models for salesforce compensation
This paper reviews models which address the design of optimal salesforce compensation...
A tactical model for airing new seasonal products
This paper introduces a model that analyzes the impact of the length of time spent...
Modeling quantity discounts under general price-sensitive demand functions: Optimal policies and relationships
This paper presents models for determining optimal all-unit and incremental quantity...
Optimal study/advertising plan for a knowledge/goodwill evolution process with rank memory
We consider the problem of an ambitious student with a variable and bounded time to...
Analysis of distribution strategies in the industrial paper and plastics industry
The costs, benefits and strategic role of intermediate echelons in distribution...
Quality, class, and competition
This paper integrates the process oriented view of quality in manufacturing with the...
Modelling the costs and benefits of delayed product differentiation
Expanding product variety and high customer service provision are both major...
Genetic Algorithms for product design
Product design is increasingly recognized as a critical activity that has a...
Optimal pricing and lot-sizing under conditions of perishability and partial backordering
We formulate a generalized model of dynamic pricing and lot-sizing by a reseller who...
Network externalities in microcomputer software: An econometric analysis of the spreadsheet market
Because of network externalities, the success of a software product may depend in part...
Pricing strategies in a dynamic duopoly: A differential game model
We formulate a differential game model for dynamic pricing in a duopolistic market....
Meeting seasonal demand for products with limited shelf lives
This article addresses a common misconception concerning production lead time and the...
A dynamic model of manufacturing quality’s effect on optimal advertising and pricing policies
This paper deals with the determination of optimal advertising and pricing policies...
Optimizing multinomial logit profit functions
The multinomial logit model is a standard approach for determining the probability of...
Incorporating price, advertising and distribution in diffusion models of innovation: Some theoretical and empirical results
On the theoretical side, this paper characterizes qualitatively optimum price,...
Warranty policies and burn-in
Warranty is an important factor for consumer durable products in the market-place....
Techniques in stated preference for the analysis of hotel service
The usual way that customers show their response to service quality attributes is when...
Consumer heterogeneity and strategic quality decisions
Though recent studies show that quality differentiation is an equilibrium outcome,...
Selling procedures with private information and common values
The seller posted-price procedure is probably the most common method for making...
The implementation of customer oriented inter-organizational systems: An investigation from the sponsor’s perspective
Computer based systems that link an organization with its customers are becoming...
Resolving the process vs. product innovation dilemma: A consumer choice theoretic approach
There has been considerable emphasis on the strategic importance of process and...
Maintaining quality standards in franchise chains
The present paper identifies those characteristics of the markets served by a...
Hiring and leasing with nonlinear prices
This paper examines the problem of a monopolist setting an optimal nonlinear pricing...
Designing conferences to improve resource utilization and participant satisfaction
This paper looks at a conference scheduling problem with the objective of maximizing...
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