Journal: Marketing Science

Found 566 papers in total
Consumer heterogeneity and competitive price-matching guarantees
Price-matching guarantees are widely used in consumer and industrial markets. Previous...
Price discrimination as an adverse signal: Why an offer to spread payments may hurt demand
Firms often search enthusiastically for distinguishing traits that they may use to...
2001: A marketing odyssey
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Market measurement and analysis: The first ‘Marketing Science’ conference
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Founding marketing science
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The history of the Marketing College is a work in progress
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Effectiveness of Trade Promotions: Analyzing the determinants of retail pass through
Trade promotions are temporary price cuts that manufacturers offer retailers to...
Pizzas: π or square? Psychophysical biases in area comparisons
Many product categories, from pizzas to real estate, present buyers with purchase...
The spatial representation of market information
To be used effectively, market knowledge and information must be structured and...
Endogeneity and heterogeneity in a probit demand model: Estimation using aggregate data
Two issues that have become increasingly important while estimating the parameters of...
Modeling variation in brand preference: The roles of objective environment and motivating conditions
People consume products in a variety of environments. They drink beer, for example, by...
The effect of credit on spending decisions: The role of the credit limit and credibility
The objective of the present research is to study consumer decisions to utilize a line...
Consistent assortment provision and service provision in a retail environment
In a recent article, Broniarczyk et al. report an interesting finding that the...
Asymmetric store positioning and promotional advertising strategies: theory and evidence
Asymmetrically positioned retailers, who vary in the quality/in-store service offered,...
Investigating new product diffusion across products and countries
As firms jockey to position themselves in emerging markets, firms need to evaluate the...
Optimal pricing of new subscription services: Analysis of a market experiment
There are now available a number of new subscription services that comprise a dual...
Pricing access services
Many established industries, such as the online service industry, the...
Identifying spatial segments in international markets
The identification of geographic target markets is critical to the success of...
Close encounters of two kinds: False alarms and dashed hopes
People are frequently exposed to potentially attractive events that are subsequently...
Consumer addressability and customized pricing
The increasing availability of customer information is giving many firms the ability...
The impact of heterogeneity and ill-conditioning on diffusion model parameter estimates
Assessment of accurate market size and early adoption patterns is essential to...
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