Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
Durable products with multiple used goods markets: Product upgrade and retail pricing implications
Used goods markets are currently important transaction channels for durable products....
Prerelease demand forecasting for motion pictures using functional shape analysis of virtual stock markets
Prerelease demand forecasting is one of the most crucial yet difficult tasks facing...
Call planning in European pharmaceutical sales force management
In this paper, a mathematical model for the allocation of sales representatives is...
Dynamic coordination of production planning and sales admission control in the presence of a spot market
We consider the decision‐making problem of dynamically scheduling the...
The sound of silence: Observational learning in the U.S. kidney market
Mere observation of others' choices can be informative about product quality. This...
Measuring production and marketing efficiency using grey relation analysis and data envelopment analysis
The aim of this paper is to measure production and marketing efficiencies in the...
Hedonic price function estimation in economics and marketing: revisiting Lancaster's issue of ‘noncombinable’ goods
Following Lancaster's (1966 and 1979) interpretation of his characteristics approach...
Growing a niche market: A targeted marketing plan for Colorado Homestead Ranches
Colorado Homestead Ranches is one of a number of emerging value-added agricultural...
Retailers' multichannel and price advertising strategies
Online retailing boasts two major advantages: convenience of home shopping and easy...
Estimating the value of brand alliances in professional team sports
Brands often form alliances to enhance their brand equities. In this paper, we examine...
Comparative advertising and in-store displays
Manufacturers often have a choice of whether to advertise something positive about...
Comparative study on internet pricing: Flat-rate vs. usage-based
There is a controversy on Internet pricing, flat-rate vs. usage-based. This study...
Brand and price advertising in online markets
We model an environment where e-retailers sell similar products and endogenously...
Competition Between Local and Electronic Markets: How the Benefit of Buying Online Depends on Where You Live
Our paper shows that the parameters in existing theoretical models of channel...
Contagion of wishful thinking in markets
Prior research provides only weak and controversial evidence that people overestimate...
Private network EDI vs internet electronic markets: A direct comparison of fulfillment performance
Prior literature has documented the performance benefits from the use of electronic...
The name-your-own-price channel in the travel industry: An analytical exploration
Name-your-own-price (NYOP) retailers, such as Priceline, offer an alternative...
When is price discrimination profitable?
We consider a general model of monopoly price discrimination and characterize the...
Comparing AHP and ANP results to estimate market share in mobile communication sector
In recent years, mobile phones have managed to get into the habits of the daily life....
Market analysis and distribution network design for HOD-Demijohn water
The HOD-Demijohn water market has a large potential of growth in Turkey. The Coca Cola...
Understanding the effects of pharmaceutical promotion: A neural network approach guided by genetic algorithm-partial least squares
With escalating healthcare costs and increasing concerns about optimizing use of...
Pricing of prescription drugs and its impact on physicians' choice behavior
This research presents an analysis of Taiwan's health care market with the focus on...
Strategic knowledge‐based marketing
This paper develops and presents the concept of strategic knowledge‐based...
Discovering Generalized Profile-Association Rules for the Targeted Advertising of New Products
We propose a data–mining approach for the targeted marketing of new products...
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