Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
The Seeds of Negativity: Knowledge and Money
This paper studies the tendency to use negative ads. For this purpose, we focus on an...
Efficient Methods for Sampling Responses from Large‐Scale Qualitative Data
The World Wide Web contains a vast corpus of consumer‐generated content that...
How to treat strict preference information in multicriteria decision analysis
This paper addresses the use of incomplete information on both multi‐criteria...
The Perils of Behavior‐Based Personalization
‘Behavior‐based personalization’ has gained popularity in recent...
A Unified Framework for Dynamic Prediction Market Design
Recently, coinciding with and perhaps driving the increased popularity of prediction...
Estimation methods for choice‐based conjoint analysis of consumer preferences
Conjoint analysis, a preference measurement method typical in marketing research, has...
Marketing health care simulation modelling: towards an integrated service approach
This paper builds upon a real case to share a marketing point of view to simulation...
Managing passenger behavioral intention: an integrated framework for service quality, satisfaction, perceived value, and switching barriers
This paper seeks to improve our understanding of passengers’ behavioral...
Optimal media planning for multi‐products in segmented market
Promotion is an essential stage of any product life cycle. All firms either concerned...
A differential game model of the marketing‐operations interface
In the development of their dynamic strategies, the marketing and operations functions...
Search Engine Advertising: Channel Substitution When Pricing Ads to Context
We explore substitution patterns across advertising platforms. Using data on the...
Reference‐Point Formation and Updating
Reference‐dependent preferences have been well accepted in decision sciences,...
Refining Kano's ‘quality attributes–satisfaction’ model: A moderated regression approach
Service and product quality is a multi‐dimensional construct and not all...
Manufacturing and marketing integration from a cumulative capabilities perspective
A growing number of studies have analyzed the dynamics of integration among different...
Privacy Regulation and Online Advertising
Advertisers use online customer data to target their marketing appeals. This has...
Let's Shop Online Together: An Empirical Investigation of Collaborative Online Shopping Support
Prior studies investigating business‐to‐consumer e‐commerce have...
Pricing structure optimization in mixed restricted/unrestricted fare environments
In recent years, many traditional practitioners of revenue management (RM) such as...
Positive Effects of Negative Publicity: When Negative Reviews Increase Sales
Can negative information about a product increase sales, and if so, when?...
Equilibrium Returns Policies in the Presence of Supplier Competition
The pioneering Pasternack returns-policy model analyzed channel coordination with a...
An Empirical Analysis of Assortment Similarities Across U.S. Supermarkets
This paper examines pairwise assortment similarities at U.S. supermarkets to...
Responding to rivals and complements: How market concentration shapes generational product innovation strategy
This study examines how competitive market conditions shape the responsiveness with...
Return on roller coasters: A model to guide investments in theme park attractions
Despite the economic significance of the theme park industry and the huge investments...
For a few cents more: Why supersize unhealthy food?
Health-care experts believe that increases in portion sizes served by food vendors...
Intra- and interformat competition among discounters and supermarkets
The price-aggressive discount format, popularized by chains such as Aldi and Lidl, is...
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