Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
Building efficient product portfolios at John Deere and Company
John Deere & Company (Deere), one of the world’s leading producers of...
The effect of firm number on equilibrium product positioning and pricing: a marketing–production perspective
We examine how product design and pricing are affected when the number of firms in the...
To lease or to buy? A structural model of a consumer's vehicle and contract choice decisions
By treating leasing and financing contracts as differentiated products with their own...
Hedging your bets and assessing the outcome
Hedging offsets the risk of an existing stake by counterbalancing it with a new stake...
What competition? Myopic self-focus in market-entry decisions
This paper documents egocentric biases in market-entry decisions. We demonstrate...
Getting big too fast: Strategic dynamics with increasing returns and bounded rationality
Neoclassical models of strategic behavior have yielded many insights into competitive...
Capacity-driven vs. demand-driven material procurement systems
A capacity-driven procurement (CDP) system is an alternative to the demand-driven...
Using Robustness Analysis to structure online marketing and communication problems
Online marketing and communication provides an interesting environment for the...
Using a heterogeneous multinomial probit model with a neural net extension to model brand choice
The multinomial probit model introduced here combines heterogeneity across households...
Locating multiple facilities in a planar competitive environment
We investigate the location of one or more facilities anywhere in an area in which...
Business customer communities and knowledge sharing: exploratory study of critical issues
Businesses in knowledge intensive industries must appropriately engage with their...
A conceptual framework for the implementation of enterprise information portals in large organizations
Addressing the diversity in information requirements across the enterprise is a...
Vendor certification and appraisal: implications for supplier quality
We examine the buyer's problem of inducing the supplier's quality effort using two...
The effect of service experiences over time on a supplier's retention of business customers
This paper examines the link between a supplier's marketing and service operations and...
Price guarantees in dynamic pricing and revenue management
We present a new model for revenue management of product sales that incorporates both...
Targeted advertising strategies on television
The personal video recorder (PVR) facilitates the use of targeted advertising by...
Competitive advertising strategies and market-size dynamics: a research note on theory and evidence
This paper analyzes competing firms' advertising strategies in markets characterized...
Optimal dynamic advertising policy for new products
Advertising is one of the key marketing tools managers have at their disposal to...
Perceived risk and trust associated with purchasing at electronic marketplaces
Understanding consumer behaviour is of vital importance to consumer-oriented...
Revenue management through dynamic cross selling in e-commerce retailing
We consider the problem of dynamically cross-selling products (e.g., books) or...
A theory of banks' industry expertise, market power, and credit risk
The author analyzes banks' incentives to acquire expertise in judging the...
An empirical study on Web-based services and customer loyalty
E-business success is tied to the ability to foster customer loyalty. Businesses that...
Developments in retail logistics towards generating more consumer value
In this article, the authors distinguish between in-store and out-store logistics....
Selling and leasing strategies for durable goods with complementary products
It has been recognized that when a durable goods manufacturer sells its output, it has...
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