Journal: Production and Inventory Management Journal

Found 394 papers in total
Microcomputer planning and control for the small manufacturer: Part I. MRP and planning
This is the first of two papers surveying nearly 60 articles that describe...
Microcomputer planning and control for the small manufacturer: Part II. Execution and support functions
This is the second of two articles surveying material describing microcomputer-based...
This article describes the kanban subsystem and its history, objectives, components,...
Marketing and manufacturing conflict: Sources and resolution
Conflict between marketing and manufacturing is commonplace in many organizations....
Combining qualitative and quantitative analyses in facility layout
The vast majority of computerised facility layout routines currently in use are either...
What is really going on in quality control?-A student survey
To emphasize the importance of quality control techniques in industry to undergraduate...
Quality control circles in Saudi Arabia: A case study
Changes in perceived job satisfaction, adaptability, productivity, and attendance...
Cost recognition in the used-parts market
Conventional inventory procedures seem to inadequately represent both inventory...
An inventory model under just-in-time purchasing agreements
Potential total cost and savings in a JIT system where long-term purchasing agreements...
Strategic use of WIP inventory: The impact of bill-of-material shape and plant type
Pressure to reduce work-in-process inventories is universal, and justifiably so....
A dynamic planning and control system for inventories of raw materials
Interfaces with operational MRP II systems can realise substantial benefits in...
An innovative two-bin application for floor stock
An aerospace and defense assembly plant used the two-bin method described in this...
McLaren’s order moment lot-sizing technique in multiple discounts
This is a step-by-step procedure for applying the ‘MOM’ lot-sizing rule in...
Evaluation of quantity discounts considering rate of return
When a decision is made to purchase inventory which allows a quantity discount, extra...
A note on ‘The effects of declining interest rates on order sizing, inventory, and investment’
A response to an earlier article by Paul G. Jordan and a reply from him.
Repetitive mixed-model lot processing
The method given here determines lot sizes for a feeder shop (a single-machine work...
Which lot sizing techniques are used in material requirements planning?
This article looks at which techniques are actually being used by industry via a...
A back-order version of the Wagner-Whitin discrete-demand EOQ algorithm by dynamic programming
This variation on the Wagner-Whitin algorithm demonstrates the flexibility and...
Establishing inventory control options for just-in-time applications
Continuous synchronized-flow manufacturing processes allow for maximum utilization of...
Using the incremental part-period algorithm to compute allowable limits on MRP system nervousness
Recent studies suggest that the incremental approach to part-period balancing for...
Excess inventory: Financial asset or operational liability?
A clear distinction must be made between inventory as a financial asset and inventory...
An evaluation of variable-demand lot-sizing techniques
There have been many lot-sizing techniques presented for the single-item,...
An evaluation of the finished goods inventory system at Westinghouse Electrical Systems Division
When designing an inventory system, major elements to be taken into account are...
An inventory model which assumes the problem away: A note on Pan and Liao
A comment on an earlier article.
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