Journal: Production and Inventory Management Journal

Found 394 papers in total
Is MRP training aimed in the right direction?
MRP education is a popular topic, but there are some indications that it is not always...
Human aspects of flexible manufacturing systems
Two strategies for managing shop floor personnel are contrasted, along with methods...
POM in academia: Some causes for concern
Success of production and operations management as an academic field of study is a...
Achieving academic and practitioner objectives in the basic POM survey course
Through a case study of a typical manufacturing environment, students in a basic...
Manufacturing performance: Local versus global measures
The historical use of performance measures and the problems associated with...
Flexible manufacturing systems: A production management perspective
Flexible manufacturing systems present a new challenge to production managers. This...
To produce interest in production, just open the factory door
Having students adequately trained to understand and manage the production challenges...
Developing a detailed MRP II implementation plan
The development of a detailed and achievable implementation plan is more important...
A survey of MRP II software suppliers’ trends in support of just-in-time
These results of a survey of MRP II software companies describe the changes they have...
Manufacturing cell design of a factory floor local area networks: Focus on connectivity
Local area networks and cell design play an important role in managing material flow...
Lessons from Japanese production management
In the late 1970s, most studies on Japanese management paid attention to general...
A survey of MRP implementation
This article reports the results of a survey of 433 manufacturing firms regarding...
The role of information in implementing MRP II systems
Information in manufacturing systems is at the core of an MRP II implementation. Three...
Taking the pulse of MRP: Using systems performance software to monitor MRP systems usage
All MRP system implementors and user department managers face the same nagging...
Decentralised, distributed MRP: Solving control problems in cellular manufacturing
This article discusses the application of conventional control systems such as MRP,...
New manufacturing practices-New accounting practices
In response to competitive pressures and widespread criticism, American companies are...
Potential union conflict in JIT implementation?
In their haste to implement Japanese manufacturing techniques such as just-in-time,...
How does kanban work in American companies?
The just-in-time system consists of several manufacturing practices including kanban,...
Just-in-time production and the financial audit
Certified public accountants were surveyed to determine how JIT has affected internal...
Selective programming
The latest technology in NC machining has created a bottleneck which has impacted...
A simple framework for understanding JIT
The objective of just-in-time is stated here in terms of production lead-time...
Performance of simple priority rule combination in a flow-dominant shop
The effect on shop performance of applying familiar priority rules at different...
Simulating the economic lot scheduling problem: Part II. Experimental results
This is the second part of a two-part series. The first part described the simulation...
The effects of a dynamic lot-sizing method on return on investment
The relative performance of dynamic lot-sizing techniques has been of considerable...
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