Journal: Production and Inventory Management Journal

Found 394 papers in total
Teaching production and operations management at the MBA level-A survey
Many American business schools are offering, or considering, a concentration in the...
Use of improvement (learning) curves in predicting learning costs
The history of learning curves and instructions for calculating from them are...
Forecasting maintenance crew size requirement based on periodic maintenance
The development and successful application of a forecasting model for the maintenance...
Quality management in Japan versus the United States
The article explains the historical origins of quality control in Japan, its...
Applicability of just-in-time techniques in administration
JIT principles were used in the administrative area of a Fortune 500 firm. A...
Managing material handling resources: A case study at Leviton
Material-handling equipment is an expensive resource. In this case study, effective...
Controlling material movement with an automated pick-list subsystem
Controlling the flow of material through the factory is a necessary prerequisite for a...
Using microcomputer-based MRP software to teach materials management
One of the greatest benefits of using MRP software to teach operations and materials...
Managing vendor performance
Measuring price, delivery, and quality doesn’t cause good performance. In fact,...
Software supporting introductory courses in production/operations management
Fourteen software packages are reviewed as stand-alone aids for a first business...
Horizontal or vertical?
The paper describes the current tendency toward implementing ‘slabs’ of...
Modern factories and outdated cost systems do not mix
Historical cost accounting (inventory costing) systems fail to support modern views of...
Teaching integrated production and information control system principles using a spreadsheet simulator
The spreadsheet simulator illustrated in this article was developed to provide an...
How can you tell if a manufacturing software package is right for your company?
This article provides graphic techniques for analyzing the structure of a plant to...
Production and distribution planning in a process firm
Narrowing the gap between model development and implementation is a key issue faced by...
The five m’s of manufacturing: A JIT conversion life cycle
This article presents a systematic procedure for the difficult task of converting to a...
Increasing production efficiency through restricted sourcing and sequence-dependent setup costs
Implementation of the method described increased production efficiency by 14%...
Toward the measurement of manufacturing flexibility
Through a critical area for improving competitiveness, manufacturing flexibility is...
On the art/science of expediting
This article describes expediting as communication-a practical ‘how to’...
Managerial accounting and vendor relations for JIT: A case study
This APICS prize-winning paper by three graduate students describes some distinct new...
JIT: Maximizing its success potential
This article won the undergraduate student prize for 1988. Increasing numbers of U.S....
Planning production campaigns
Multistep production campaigns in a multipurpose equipment environment address...
MRP on spreadsheets: A do-it-yourself alternative for small firms
Through a simple example this article demonstrates how an MRP system can be set up on...
Manufacturing systems-Changing to support JIT
As American manufacturers implement the just-in-time philosophy, many find they are...
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