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Found 17049 papers in total
Exact nonnull distributions of sphericity tests for trivariate normal population with power comparison
Exact formulas for the nonnull density function of the locally best invariant test and...
Solving the generalized knapsack problem with variable coefficients
In this article the authors present methods based on Lagrangian duality and...
The role of cardinal utilities in multiple objective programming
Ordinal utilities are often used in investigating different types of efficient...
Multiple and unacceptable solutions in nonlinear programming discriminant analysis
Discriminant analysis is an important approach used to solve many practical problems...
Deterministic algorithms for constrained concave minimization: A unified critical survey
The purpose of this article is to present a unified critical survey of the...
Heavy traffic analysis of a controlled multiclass queueing network via weak convergence methods
The workload formulation due to Harrison and coworkers of multiclass queueing networks...
Heavy traffic convergence of a controlled multiclass queueing system
This paper provides a rigorous proof of the connection between the optimal sequencing...
An exact solution approach for the time-dependent traveling-salesman problem
The authors present an algorithm for solving the time-dependent traveling-salesman...
Point estimation and confidence intervals of the M/M/2/N queue with balking and heterogeneity
In this paper, the authors present both point estimation and confidence intervals of...
An anthology of classical queueing methods
This article presents a brief historical overview of fundamental methods in queueing...
Queueing methods in the theory of random graphs
In this article several limit theorems are proved for the fluctuations of the queue...
Stationary distributions via first passage times
This article gives a survey of how to express the stationary distribution of a...
An introduction to spatial queues
The aim of this article is to introduce the methodology of random measures into the...
Sample-path techniques in queueing theory
In this article, the authors use sample-path techniques to derive relations between...
Markov-additive processes of arrivals
A Markov-additive process (MAP) of arrivals is a process ( X , J) on the state space...
The ASTA property
ASTA ( A rrivals S ee T ime A verages) is concerned with properties of stochastic...
Campbell’s formula and applications to queueing
Campbell’s formula for Palm probabilities is a basic tool for deriving...
Excess level processes in queueing
This article analyzes the behaviour of one- and two-dimensional marked point processes...
Matrix-analytic methods in queueing theory
Broad classes of queueing models that have embedded Markov renewal processes of M/G/1...
Explicit Wiener-Hopf factorizations for the analysis of multidimensional queues
This article discusses Wiener-Hopf factorizations for multidimensional queues. For the...
Application of singular perturbation methods in queueing
A survey is presented describing the application of singular perturbation techniques...
The spectral expansion solution method for Markov processes on lattice strips
A large class of two-dimensional Markov models, whose state space is a lattice strip,...
Applications of vector Riemann boundary value problems to analysis of queueing systems
Nonhomogeneous vector Riemann boundary value problems are introduced as a method of...
Light-traffic approximation in queues and related stochastic models
Light-traffic approximations in queues refer to results on the asymptotic behaviour of...
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