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Found 17049 papers in total
Budgets as dynamic gatekeepers
Most large organizations allocate resources by means of fixed budgets: each subunit is...
Combining buy-in penalties with commissions at auction houses
Most auction sellers consign property to auction houses rather than holding the...
Biases in retrospective self-reports of time use: An empirical study of computer users
Research on information systems use has often relied upon retrospective self-reports....
The linear-quadratic optimal regulator for continuous-time descriptor systems-A dynamic-programming approach
In this paper the authors consider the linear-quadratic optimal regulator problem for...
Optimization and control of semibatch reactors
The authors propose an integrated method for optimization and control of semibarch...
Optimal robotic path planning using dynamic-programming and randomization
Path planning is a key element in the development of autonomous robitics, particularly...
On the orbit characteristics of the M/G/1 retrial queue
In teletraffic applications of retrial queues only the service zone is observable....
Ranking of the best random number generators via entropy-uniformity theory
A key need in modern computer-based science and technology is for a high-quality...
A class of Bayes-optimal two-stage screens
Items are characterized by a set of attributes ( T) and a collection of covariates (...
Designing experiments for selecting an exponential population with a large location and a large scale
The paper considers a selection goal for selecting the exponential population with the...
Effect of a shrinkage estimator on the linear discriminant function
The effect of a shrinkage estimator in linear discriminant analysis is examined based...
A note on the conservative multivariate Tukey-Kramer multiple comparison procedure
In this article, the conservative simultaneous confidence intervals for pairwise...
A new graphical tests for multivariate normality
A new methodology for assessing distributional assumptions of multivariate data, with...
A classification statistic from Anderson’s criterion in discrimination and its asymptotic distribution in the heteroscedastic normal model
T.W. Anderson introduced the likelihood ratio criterion which can be used in...
On the behavior of the distributions of the probabilities of misclassification in the use of the linear discriminant function under multinonnormality
A study is made of the behavior of the linear discriminant function when used in the...
On tests of trend in a weakly stationary Time Series
Analysis of Time Series is represented by an error model frequently leads to familiar...
Minimum Kolmogorov distance estimates for multivariate parametrized families
In a previous paper the authors introduced minimum Kolmogorov distance estimates of...
People skills: Using the cooperative learning model to teach students ‘people skills’
In his Interfaces article, Robert Levasseur emphasized the need for and importance of...
The teachers’ forum: The operations analysis curriculum at the Naval Postgraduate School
The operations analysis curriculum at the Naval Postgraduate School has responded to a...
Optimal allocation of two fixed service units acting as M/G/1 queues
The authors consider a districting problem placed in the general context of optimal...
Capacitated location problems on a line
This paper examines capacitated facility location problems on a straight line. To...
Availability analysis of a two-unit series system with a priority shut-off rule
This study shows that the steady-state availability of a two-unit series system, which...
Lot sizing when yields increase during the production run
The authors investigate the problem of determining lot sizes for multiple items when...
Exploiting symmetry in the reliability analysis of coherent systems
Components in a complex system are usually not structurally identical. However, in...
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