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Found 17049 papers in total
Optimal accelerated life test designs for Burr Type XII distributions under periodic inspection and Type I censoring
This article develops optimal accelerated life test designs for Burr Type XII...
Reliability models and inference for systems operating in different environments
The authors consider a class of models for the reliability function of a series...
Sequencing with setup time and order tardiness trade-offs
The authors consider the problem of scheduling customer orders on a single facility...
Scheduling jobs with random processing times on a single machine subject to stochastic breakdowns to minimize early-tardy penalties
The authors examine the problem of scheduling n jobs with a common due date on a...
Skylark optimal flight speeds for flying nowhere and somewhere
Flight is energetically very costly. For birds the mechanical power in relation to...
New issues in forest land management from an operations research perspective
Over the last two decades, forest land management practices have changed in response...
Why benefit-cost analysis is widely disregarded and what to do about it
Three prominent shortcomings of benefit-cost analysis as currently practiced are (1)...
General solution to many-on-many heterogeneous stochastic combat
Stochastic combat models are more realistic than either deterministic or exponential...
Swapping applications in a daily airline fleet assignment
An airline’s schedule consists of a set of flight legs that it is scheduled to...
Maintenance and crew considerations in fleet assignment
Given a flight schedule, which is a set of flight segments with specified departure...
A relaxation-based purning technique for a class of stochastic shortest path problems
In this paper a form of the stochastic shortest path problem is considered where the...
A truck scheduling system improves efficiency in the forest industries
Timber transport plays an important part in the overall operational costs of forest...
Hospital ownership and technical inefficiency
The theoretical industrial organization literature cites varying factors which might...
Reservation planning for elective surgery under uncertain demand for emergency surgery
This work concerns the advance scheduling of elective surgery when the operating...
Product variety and manufacturing performance: Evidence from the international automotive assembly plant study
This paper examines the effect of product variety on manufacturing performance,...
Multi-period airline overbooking with multiple fare classes
Consider a multi-period multi-fare class airline overbooking problem that relates to a...
Some applications of the Lorenz curve in decision analysis
Classical income distribution measures in Economics such as the Lorenz curve, the Gini...
A graphical analysis of ratio-scaled paired comparison data
One of the building blocks of the Analytic Hierarchy Process is the ratio-scaled...
Ordinal ranking methods for multicriterion decision making
Given multiple criteria and multiple alternatives, the goal is to aggregate the...
Finding saddle points on polyhedra: Solving certain continuous minimax problems
This article reviews procedures for computing saddle points of certain continuous...
On locally optimal independent sets and vertex covers
In this paper, the authors introudce a new notion of local optimality and demonstrate...
Convergence of the BFGS method for LC convex constrained optimization
This paper proposes a BFGS-SQP method for linearly constrained optimization where the...
Single-stage multiple comparison procedures under heteroscedasticity
Given k (¸≥2) independent normal populations with unknown means and unknown...
Hypergeometric functions of many matrix variables and distributions of generalized quadratic forms
A representation of the exact density of a linear function of independent...
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