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Found 17049 papers in total
Siotani's contributions to multivariate statistical analysis
Professor Minoru Siotani has made an important contribution to many inferential...
Setting base stock levels using product-form queueing networks
A manufacturing facility produces multiple products in a make-to-stock manner, and...
Moments of the limiting distribution for the boundary case in the first order autoregressive process
The limiting distribution for the MLE of the parameter in the AR(1) process, when...
The sampling distribution of the serial correlation coefficient
A methodology for the derivation of the cumulants of the lag- k serial covariance is...
A note on strategic sampling in agencies
This paper studies sample design for process control in principal-agent settings where...
Consumer heterogeneity and strategic quality decisions
Though recent studies show that quality differentiation is an equilibrium outcome,...
Quality awards and the market value of the firm: An empirical investigation
This paper empirically investigates the impact of winning a quality award on the...
Optimal design of accelerated life tests with two stresses
Most of the previous works on designing accelerated life test plans were concerned...
Modeling the fatigue life of longitudinal elements
Functional equations enable us to arrive at a simple consensus model for fatigue life...
Biconvex models and algorithms for risk management problems
This paper deals with the risk management problem of determining an optimal mix of...
The ombudsman: Management folklore and management science-On portfolio planning, escalation bias, and such
Management folklore sometimes leads to unprofitable decision making. Thus, studies of...
Single machine stochastic scheduling: Minimizing the number of tardy jobs
This paper deals with a single machine scheduling problem of determining a sequence so...
Microcomputer performance of OptPack on Hoffmann’s data sets: Comparison with EUREKA and FABLE
OptPack was published between the publication times of FABLE and EUREKA. This...
Algorithms for the constrained maximum-weight connected graph problem
Given a positive integer R and a weight for each vertex in a graph, the maximum-weight...
The customer order lead-time problem on parallel machines
The authors consider the problem of scheduling customer orders, each consisting of one...
Single-machine scheduling with dynamic arrivals: Decomposition results and an improved algorithm
This article considers the single-machine dynamic scheduling problem where the jobs...
A total tardiness problem with preprocessing included
A special case of the two-machine flow-shop total tardiness problem is defined by...
Parallel machine scheduling: A probabilistic analysis
The minimum makespan of the general parallel machine scheduling problem with m...
Bicriteria scheduling for minimizing flow time and maximum tardiness
The authors consider the bicriteria problem of minimizing total flow time and maximum...
The new ARSTI optimization method: Adaptive random search with translating intervals
A universal optimization method of adaptive random search with translating intervals...
When should a roving server be patient?
When polling systems are used to model real-world systems, it is typically assumed...
A game theoretic approach to problems in telecommunication
This paper considers two specific problems in telecommunication, namely the...
The design of optimal conservation programs by electric utilities considering strategic consumer behavior
The practice of utility demand side conservation programs, one of the most topical...
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