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Found 17049 papers in total
Odd submodular functions, Dilworth functions and discrete convex functions
Three set-function classes more general than submodular ones are discussed. An odd...
One-switch utility functions and a measure of risk
Consider the relative attractiveness to a decision maker of two financial gambles as...
Dynamically updating relevance judgements in probabilistic information systems via users’ feedback
A decision maker’s performance relies on the availability of relevant...
Infinite player noncooperative games and the continuity of the Nash equilibrium correspondence
The usual definition of a noncooperative game is extended in two different ways:...
Weighted majority games have asymptotic value
The asymptotic value of a game v with a continuum set of players, I, is defined...
Resolving a conflict situation with a reference outcome: An axiomatic model
The authors formulate an axiomatic model of conflict situations in which there exist...
Some lattice-theoretic tools for network reliability analysis
The computation of K -terminal reliability for a graph is an intractable problem, and...
Selection and design of heuristic procedures for solving roll trim problems
This paper discusses the selection and design of heuristic procedures for solving...
Towards a heuristic theory of problem structuring
Management science is concerned with understanding and improving action-oriented...
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