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Found 17049 papers in total
Quantitative estimates in queueing
The paper discusses a problem of obtaining quantitative bounds in the theory of...
Steady state rare events simulation in queueing models and its complexity properties
This article gives an overview of rare events simulation via importance sampling in...
Piecewise-linear diffusion processes
Diffusion processes are often regarded as among the more abstruse stochastic...
Approximation of queues via small parameter method
The ‘small parameter method’ is recently developed to efficiently solve...
Two-stage versus sequential sample-size determination in regression analysis of simulation experiments
Many simulation models have responses with variances that vary with the inputs. Then...
A four-day study helps home building move indoors
By simulating Glaize Components’ new wall panel production line, the authors...
Indicators of ill-conditioned data sets and model misspecification in Data Envelopment Analysis: An extended facet approach
Data Envelopment Analysis employs mathematical programming to measure the relative...
DEA on relaxed convexity assumptions
In a recent paper, Petersen proposed to relax the convexity assumptions invoked in...
Using rank statistics for determining programmatic efficiency differences in Data Envelopment Analysis
This paper presents an analytical approach, based on rank statistics, to the issue of...
A problem with the decomposition of technical inefficiency into scale and congestion components
Byrnes, Färe, Grosskopf and Lovell defined a decomposition of inefficiency...
Normal variate prediction under linear-quadratic loss
The prediction of the value of a normal random variable is considered in the presence...
Entropy-based random number evaluation
Previous work has shown how to test a simple hypothesis of uniformity on the interval...
Note on a theorem of Edelman on inadmissibility of fixed-sample procedures
Simple examples are given to show that when using a bounded random sample size, to...
Best linear unbiased estimation of location and scale parameters of the half-logistic distribution based on Type II censored samples
For the half-logistic distribution, Balakrishnan derived several recurrence relations...
Design of optimal statistical filter for the discrete convolution backprojection method
A statistically optimal convolving function (fllter) is derived for discrete...
Fixed-size confidence regions for the multinormal mean in an intraclass correlation model
The problem of constructing fixed-size confidence regions for estimating the mean...
Sequential fixed-width confidence bounds for some subset of parameters
The purpose of this paper is to consider the confidence bound of some parameters with...
Asymptotic expansion for sampling distribution and sample size in statistical inference I-Presentation of the problem, illustrated by the T2-test
Inference procedures in the multivariate analysis are often based on asymptotic...
A note on testing for skewness persistence
This paper shows that the tests of skewness persistence considered by Muralidhar far...
The Heteroscedastic Method: Fifty¸+ years of progress 1945-2000, and Professor Minoru Siotani’s award-winning contributions
This paper covers the genesis and development of the Heteroscedastic Method, with...
An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of Hotelling’s T2-statistic under general distributions
Distribution theory in nonnormal populations is important but is not fully exploited...
A class of asymptotically distribution-free test procedures for equality of marginals under multivariate dependence
Let ( X i ,Y i ), i=1,...,n be a random sample from an unknown continuous bivariate...
Asymptotic aspects of ordinary ridge regression
Ordinary ridge regression is considered as an alternative to least squares regression...
Asymptotic normality of nearest neighbor regression function estimates based on nonstationary dependent observations
In this paper the convergence of the regression function estimators and the central...
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