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Found 17049 papers in total
Parametric string edit distance and its application to pattern-recognition
In this paper a generalized version of the string matching algorithm by Wagner and...
Capital decision-making: Analysis and judgment
Quantitative analysis, the traditional technique for capital budgeting evaluation, is...
A dynamic-programming approach to near minimum-time trajectory planning for 2 robots
A numerical trajectory planning method is proposed which ensures collision-free and...
An inverse dynamic-based dynamic-programming method for optimal point-to-point trajectory planning of robotic manipulators
This paper introduces an inverse dynamic-based dynamic programming (IDBDP) method for...
Paradox Lost? Firm-level evidence on the returns to information systems spending
The ‘productivity paradox’ of information systems (IS) is that, despite...
Robust game-theoretic synthesis in the presence of uncertain initial states
In this paper a performance robust control synthesis problem is considered; the...
Multiechelon inventory production system solution
The multi-echelon inventory problem can be examined from the points of view of dynamic...
Zero-sum Markov games and worst-case optimal control of queueing systems
Zero-sum stochastic games model situations where two persons, called players, control...
Markov decision-process-Fuzzy approach
This paper propose a fuzzy concept of return cost of Markov Decision Process model...
Approximate dimension reduction for filtered Markov chains
This paper presents an efficient and applicable approximate dimension reduction method...
Limit theorems for discrete-time Markov chains on the nonnegative integers conditioned on recurrence to zero
The authors consider a discrete-time Markov chain X on the state space with stationary...
Convergence rates in matrix analytic models
The authors consider a class of Markov chains , which includes Markov chains of the...
On the point-to-point connection problem
A Dijsktra-like algorithm for solving the point-to-point connection problem on a...
A scaled stochastic approximation algorithm
Consider a stochastic system of such complexity that its performance can only be...
The effects of including bankruptcy on dynamic investment decisions
This article evaluates the effects of including the costs of bankruptcy in a dynamic...
Task complexity, equilibrium selection, and learning: An experimental study
The authors consider several coordination games with multiple equilibria each of which...
A Bayesian approach to managing learning-curve uncertainty
This paper introduces a Bayesian decision theoretic model of optimal production in the...
Perturbation analysis for control and optimization of queueing systems: An overview and the state of the art
Perturbation Analysis (PA) has evolved over the past ten years as a methodology for...
A point process model for the reliability of a maintained system subject to general repair
A model for the general repair of a system subject to stochastic failure is introduced...
Dynamic-programming for free-time problems with end-point constraints
If the authors are able to find a local verification function associated with an...
Parallel pattern-recognition using dynamic-programming
The well-known alignment of sequences representing patterns problem is defined and...
Complex optimal policies in an advertising diffusion-model
In this paper the authors analyse a one state dynamic programming model, which has...
Organizational complexity and innovation: developing and testing multiple contingency models
Current research in organizational innovation is extensive, yet, because of...
Contracting for 21st century infrastructure
Contracting practice and theory is based upon a legal framework which impedes the...
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