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Found 17049 papers in total
Stochastic geometry models of mobile communication networks
In this paper, the authors propose a new apporach for the modeling of mobile...
Stochastic modeling of traffic processes
Modern telecommunications networks are being designed to accommodate a heterogeneous...
An inventory control model for supplying biomass to a processing facility
An inventory control model was developed to determine the least cost approach for...
Air-conditioner direct load control by multipass dynamic-programming
The dispatch of air conditioner direct load control using multi-pass dynamic...
Aggregation disaggregation method for optimal-control of multi-zone HVAC systems
The problem of minimum-cost control of a multizone cooling system is considered, for...
An expert-system approach to the unit commitment problem
An expert system plays a key role in the better conservation and management of...
Dynamic optimization of constrained chemical-engineering problems using dynamic-programming
In many chemical engineering process control applications, one frequently encounters...
Commonalities in reengineered business processes: Models and issues
Process reengineering advocates making radical changes in how processing systems are...
A dynamic-programming algorithm for optimization of uneven-aged forest stands
A deterministic dynamic programming formulation of the transition uneven-aged stand...
A stochastic optimization model to improve production planning and R&D resource allocation in biopharmaceutical production processes
The increasing cost of health care has brought pressure to reduce pharmaceutical...
Involving patients in the cadaveric kidney transplant allocation process: A decision-theoretic perspective
The United Network for Organ Sharing system of allocating cadaveric kidneys for...
Procedural justice and managers’ in-role and extra-role behavior: The case of the multinational
Existing procedural justice studies to date offer only pieces of the picture on how...
Portable code for process synthesis using workstation clusters and distributed-memory multicomputers
The automated synthesis of process flowsheets is a computationally intensive task....
Fuzzy evidential filter for detection and tracking of dim objects
This paper discusses new analytical and computational aspects of detecting and...
Techniques for developing approximate optimal advanced launch system guidance
A technique used to develop a real-time guidance scheme for the Advanced Launch System...
Periodic optimal flight
For a host of dynamic systems, periodic motion is more efficient than steady-state...
On the advantage of being the first server
The following example illustrates the problem treated in this paper: Two gas stations...
An optimal-control model of tidal power-Generation
An idealized model of the tidal generation is presented. Power is generated by the...
Learning to act using real-time dynamic-programming
Learning methods based on dynamic programming (DP) are receiving increasing attention...
Dynamic-programming for detecting, tracking, and matching deformable contours
The problem of segmenting an image into separate regions and tracking them over time...
Budget deficits in China: Calculations, causes, and impacts
Since China began its market-oriented economic reform in 1979, government budget...
Ethical issues facing private, not-for-profit hospitals in the U.S.: The case of the Methodist Hospital System
Pressures to contain costs have given private hospitals the economic incentive to...
Reengineering capital budgeting
This article illustrates the application of business process reengineering (BPR) to...
Democratizing the capital budget planning and project selection process at the local level: Assets and liabilities
Historically, citizen input into the capital budgeting planning and project selection...
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