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Reliable estimation via simulation
Sharma Vinod
Let a and s denote the inter arrival times and service times in a queue. Let , be the...
Minimization of expected variance of completion times on single machine for stochastic jobs
Prasad V. Rajendra
This article deals with the problem of scheduling jobs with random processing times on...
Effective bandwidths: Call admission, traffic policing and filtering for ATM networks
Veciana G. de
In this paper the authors review and extend the effective bandwidth results of Kelly,...
Decomposition and hybrid simulated annealing heuristics for the parallel-machine total tardiness problem
Koulamas Christos
A polynomial decomposition heuristic is developed for the parallel-machine tardiness...
Burst reducing servers in ATM networks
Low Steven H.
The authors study a stream of traffic or message as it is transferred over an ATM...
A generalized Johnson's rule for stochastic assembly systems
Righter Rhonda
Johnson’s rule gives the optimal order to schedule a set of jobs through a...
A new computational approach for stochastic fluid models of multiplexers with heterogenous sources
Mitra Debasis
In this paper the authors derive an efficient computational procedure for the system...
A comparison of the sliding window and the leaky bucket
Whitt Ward
In this paper the authors compare the sliding-window (SW) and leaky-bucket (LB) input...
Structured modeling: Survey and future research directions
Geoffrion Arthur M.
This is an updated version of an article by the same name that appeared in ORSA CSTS...
Analysis of a statistical multiplexer with generalized periodic sources
Cidon Israel
The authors provide solution techniques for the analysis of multiplexers with periodic...
An informal annotated bibliography on structured modeling
Geoffrion Arthur M.
The criterion for including a paper in this bibliography is that it contains...
The variance of the number of customers in an infinite-server queueing system with an arbitrarily correlated arrival process
Daganzo Carlos F.
Motivated by a container storage problem at seaports, this paper examines the...
Optimization of economic dynamic-systems
Ekirin M.A.
A new dynamic programming procedure for optimal identification of econometric systems...
Optimization of rangeland management strategies under rainfall and price risks
Carande V.G.
Dynamic programming was used to obtain optimal management and marketing policies for...
Theoretical reflections on the growth of 3-spined stickleback morphs from island lakes
Hart P.J.B.
A stochastic dynamic programminng model is developed of prey choice by three-spined...
A massively-parallel genetic algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction
Shapiro B.A.
The authors present a new method for predicting RNA secondary structure based on a...
Foraging routines of small birds in winter-A theoretical investigation
McNamara J.M.
The authors investigate the way in which the opposing forces of starvation and...
Flexible algorithm for direct multiple alignment of protein structures and sequences
Godzik A.
The recently described equivalence between the alignment of two proteins and a...
Constructing gene models from accurately predicted exons-An application of dynamic-programming
Xu Y.
This paper presents a computationally efficient algorithm, the Gene Assembly Program...
Comprehensive study on iterative algorithms of multiple sequence alignment
Hirosawa M.
Multiple sequence alignment is an important problem in the biosciences. To date, most...
Optimization and performance analysis of a massively-parallel dynamic programming algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction
Shapiro B.A.
An optimized and parallel form of a dynamic programming algorithm capable of...
Identification of protein-coding regions in genomic DNA
Snyder E.E.
The authors have developed a computer program, GeneParser, which identifies and...
Intraspecific fledging mass variation in the Alcidae, with special reference to the seasonal fledging mass decline
Ydenberg R.C.
Species in the avian family Alcidae show enormous inter- and intraspecific variation...
Predicting the kinematics and kinetics of gait based on the optimum trajectory of the swing limb
Chou L.S.
An algorithm was developed to predict the minimum energy consumption trajectory of the...
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