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Found 17049 papers in total
Models for capacity acquisition decisions considering operational costs
In this article, the authors study a capacity acquisition problem by considering...
Task assignment and subassembly scheduling in flexible assembly
This paper deals with models for flow management problems in flexible assembly systems...
Dispatching, routing, and scheduling of two automated guided vehicles in a flexible manufacturing system
This article presents a new approach for planning the dispatching, conflict-free...
A Lagrangean-based heuristic for dynamic multilevel multiitem constrained lotsizing with setup times
In this paper a heuristic approach for the dynamic multilevel multiitem lotsizing...
The development of cash flow weight procedures for maximizing the net present value of a project
The authors describe in this paper the development of heuristic procedures for...
Using discounted cash flow heuristics to improve project net present value
The problem of scheduling resource-constrained projects to maximize their Net Present...
Heuristic scheduling of capital constrained projects
The movement to product and process development projects that involve joint ventures...
The resource constrained time/cost tradeoff project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows
Many of the recent studies on Project Scheudling focus on maximizing the Net Present...
A study of approximating the moments of the job completion time in PERT networks
The importance of proper management of projects has not gone unrecognized in industry...
Aggregation error in Bayesian analysis of reliability systems
Perfect aggregation in Bayesian system reliability analysis has been shown to be...
Scheduling of nonserial linear projects with multiple non-overlapped loop structures
Existing dynamic programming formulations are utilized for the scheduling of serial...
Optimal shift scheduling with multiple break windows
This paper presents a new integer programming model for optimal shift scheduling with...
Efficient priority rules for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
Resource-constrained project scheduling is a core problem for many industrial...
An iterative local constraint based analysis for solving the resource constrained project scheduling problem
In this paper, a new heuristic iterative scheduling approach is proposed for the...
Technical efficiency measurement and explanation of French urban transit companies
The performance of a sample of French urban transit companies is evaluated using a...
Models and algorithms for distribution problems with uncertain demands
The authors consider the problem of distributing goods from one or more plants through...
Routing trains through railway stations: Model formulation and algorithms
In this paper the authors consider the problem of routing trains through railway...
Transportation network policy modeling with goal targets and generalized penalty functions
In this paper the authors develop a transportation network policy model that...
Dynamic systems, variational inequalities and control theoretic models for predicting time-varying urban network flows
In this paper, the authors set forth certain axioms for a positive theory of dynamic...
Non-convex traffic assignment on a rectangular grid network
The paper considers here an idealized infinite rectangular grid of roads with a...
A stochastic formulation of the dynamic assignment problem, with an application to truckload motor carriers
The dynamic assignment problem arises in a number of application areas in...
A survey of operational expert systems in business (1980-1993)
The paper surveyed publications on operational expert system (ES) applications in...
Personal operations research: Practicing Operational Research OR on ourselves
Documented cases of people applying Operational Research OR in making personal...
Modified fictitious play
The authors describe a modification of Brown’s fictitious play method for...
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