Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
OR in Portugal: Past achievements and current perspectives
This paper reviews some of the most important aspects of the recent history of OR in...
OR practice in South Africa
The development of operational research in South Africa, and of the Operations...
A partial view of OR in Switzerland
The authors briefly describe their views on the present situation of OR in...
Supporting real decisions: A review of OR practice in the UK
The history of OR in the UK is described, so as to demonstrate why the UK is unique in...
Strands of practice in OR (The Practitioner's Dilemma)
This paper is a first step towards a different way of looking at the practice of OR,...
Operational research models in action, the result of international cooperation – a potpourri
This paper briefly presents selected results in the applications of operational...
An efficient heuristic for robot acquisition and cell formation
In this paper, a mathematical model and a solution algorithm are developed for solving...
Resource allocation in state-dependent emergency evacuation networks
Most of the previous studies on the Emergency Evacuation Problem assume that the...
A hybrid approach of linear programming and logic modeling for the market core of sealed bid auctions
This paper presents a hybrid approach for sealed bid auction that integrates linear...
Using non-traditional approaches to statistical classification and regression in DSS model analysis
In a model-based decision support system, the decision maker initially has two primary...
Knowledge-based DSS for construction contractor prescreening
This paper presents the development of a knowledge-based decision support system for...
A decision model for interdependent information system project selection
Existing methods for information system (IS) project selection neglect an important...
R&D Decision Advisor: An interactive approach to normative decision system model construction
This paper describes the architecture of R&D Decision Advisor TM , a commercial...
Decentralized control in the customer focused enterprise
This paper discusses analytical methods to enable the order fulfillment process of a...
Interactive decision aiding for group decision support
This paper considers the use of decision analysis as a vehicle for supporting choice...
A two-phase approach for design of supervisory controllers for robot cells: Model checking and Markov decision models
The supervisory controller for a robot cell is specified as a dynamic control policy...
Acquiring expert rules with the aid of decision tables
This paper describes a computer-assisted approach to help knowledge engineers elicit...
The impact of semantic ambiguity on Bayesian weights
Generally, human users provide evidence assessments for intelligent systems. Users see...
Dynamic grouping of parts in flexible manufacturing systems – A self-organizing neural networks approach
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has recently been recognized as a worthwhile tool for...
System design and evaluation using discrete event simulation with AI
During system design and evaluation, development of optimal decision making rules for...
A bibliography of expert system applications for business (1984-1992)
The purpose of this research is to present a comprehensive bibliography of expert...
Generalized optimal designs and contingency plans in linear systems
To select an optimal linear design means to select the best subset from a set of...
Distribution planning for a divergent depotless two-echelon network under service constraints
In this paper we discuss a distribution planning procedure for a system consisting of...
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