Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Financial statement planning in the presence of tax constraints
We present a mathematical model of financial statement planning in the case when there...
Optimal investment policies for a polluting firm in an uncertain environment
In this paper a stochastic dynamic model of the firm is used as a framework to study...
Multinational plant location as a game of timing
We study the problem of when firms should switch from exporting to producing at an...
A double annealing algorithm for discrete location/allocation problems
Many algorithms inspired by the simulated annealing paradigm for approximately solving...
Parametric uncapacitated facility location
We consider the parametric Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem (UFLP) where the...
A heuristic procedure for the single-row facility layout problem
The single-row facility layout problem arises when assigning service rooms along a...
The capacitated plant location problem
This paper provides a review of the various solution methods for the capacitated plant...
Marginal cost criteria for preventive replacement of a group of components
In this paper we introduce marginal cost criteria to determine the optimum time for...
Extended optimal replacement model with random minimal repair costs
This paper proposes a generalized replacement policy where a system has two types of...
Application of multiattribute theory in a safety monitor for the planning of maintenance jobs
In the chemical industry periodic maintenance of the plant ususally requires an...
Design of optimal maintenance policies based on on-line sampling plans
This paper is concerned with the design of optimal quality control and maintenance...
Implementing a subjective MCI model: An application to the furniture market
The MCI model is implemented in a subjective approach to managing store attraction. An...
Information theory as a unifying statistical approach for use in marketing research
Information theory is shown to provide a unified approach to a wide range of problems...
PETAPS: A prototype decision support system for consumer product marketing and promotion
The concept of decision support systems has been proposed as an approach to providing...
Accounting for complexity in costing high technology manufacturing
A new type of ‘costing unit’ is proposed in the form of an adjusted...
Productivity measurement in industrial operations
Conceptual foundations of productivity measures emcompassing technical change,...
Hierarchical structures in organisations: A conceptual framework
The paper gives a general framework which allows us to study various hierarchical...
Periodicity of the profile process in Markov manpower systems
This paper presents a new approach and provides a unified treatment to the problem of...
Stochastic analysis of a non-homogeneous Markov system
A stochastic analysis on the non-homogeneous Markov system is outlined firstly in this...
Cost analysis of alternative formulations for personnel scheduling in continuously operating organizations
Personnel-scheduling problems for continuously operating organizations have proven to...
Decomposition and iterative aggregation in hierarchical and decentralised planning structures
The interpretation of decomposition approaches, originally developed for the solution...
Optimal setup time reduction for a single product with dynamic demands
We consider the problem of reducing setup times for the dynamic lot-sizing problem. We...
Optimal lot streaming for multiple products in a two-machine flow shop
This paper treats the optimal lot streaming problem for multiple products in a...
Backtracking of jobs in one-dimensional machine location problems
Materials that must be transported upstream in a production line along a linear track...
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