Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Symbiotic systems: Exploiting human creativity
Although computers have become increasingly powerful in the solution of large and...
Total factor efficiency/productivity ratio fitting as an alternative to regression and canonical correlation models for performance data
This paper discusses a class of modeling alternatives to regression or canonical...
W-efficient partitions and the solution of the sequential clustering problem
Clustering involves partitioning a set of related objects into a set of mutually...
Simulation metamodel estimation using a combined correlation-based variance reduction technique for first- and higher-order metamodels
This paper develops a procedure for jointly applying the correlation-based variance...
Production analysis in different time periods: An application of data envelopment analysis
This article explores a new application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) for...
One-tailed Type I error rates for balanced two-category UniODA with a random ordered attribute
Directional (one-tailed) two-category univariable optimal discriminant analysis has...
Evaluation of an adaptive discriminant procedure
This paper reports the results of a simulation study comparing Fisher's Linear...
RAGNU: A microcomputer package for two-group mathematical programming-based nonparametric classification
In this manuscript, we introduce the PC-based software package RAGNU, a utility...
Estimation and testing in least absolute value regression with serially correlated disturbances
Least absolute value (LAV) regression provides a robust alternative to least squares,...
Permutation-based multivariate regression analysis: The case for least sum of absolute deviations regression
Linear and nonlinear multivariate least sum of absolute deviations regression models...
The numerical solution of stochastic automata networks
Stochastic Automata Networks (SANs) have recently received attention in the literature...
A nonlinear programming model for partially observable Markov decision processes: Finite horizon case
The concept of partially observable Markov decision processes was born to handle the...
Macrame: A problem formulation and model structuring assistant in multiactorial contexts
A modelling methodology and a tool that supports the analyst in contexts characterized...
OR in Europe: Facts about EURO member societies
Facts about the status of the OR Societies, members of EURO, are presented in this...
Operational research in the Czech Republic
This paper reviews the development of operational research in Czechoslovakia since the...
Operations Research and its practice in Finland – an update
This paper provides an update on the state-of-the-art of Operations Research and its...
Operations Research activities in Germany
The paper briefly reviews the activities of the OR societies, education, research, and...
OR practice in Greece: Status and challenges
This paper describes the current status of Operations Research (OR) practice in Greece...
On the practice of OR in Hungary
The paper deals with OR activities in Hungary, concentrating mainly on education at...
A review of OR practice in Iceland
In this paper we give an overview of Operational Research (OR) in Iceland, which...
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