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Found 17295 papers in total
Machine learning based adaptive production control for a multi-cell flexible manufacturing system operating in a random environment
An adaptive production control approach is used for controlling a multi-cell FMS with...
Operating an FMC by a decision-tree-based adaptive production control system
In previous works decision tree mechanisms were suggested for real-time production...
Stochastic coloured Petri net models of traditional and flexible kanban systems
Modelling and analysis of kanban-controlled (just-in-time) production systems under...
A semidefinite programming approach to the optimal control of a single server queueing system with imposed second moment constraints
Classical analyses of the dynamic control of multi-class queueing systems frequently...
Dynamic dispatching rule-pairs for multitasking workers in just-in-time production systems
The concept of multitasking workers plays a major role in the success of Just-in-Time...
Using the discrete time modelling approach to evaluate the time-dependent behaviour of queueing systems
Many real-life queueing problems exhibit time-dependent behaviour, but the...
A batch splitting method for a job shop scheduling problem in a materials requirements planning environment
The job shop scheduling problem has been a major target for many researchers....
A partially observable simulation model for quality assurance policies
This paper presents a simulation model of a partially observable Markov decision...
Timed Petri nets in modeling and analysis of simple schedules for manufacturing cells
It is shown that a large class of flexible manufacturing cells can be modeled using...
Auto-bias selection for developing learning-based scheduling systems
Inductive learning techniques have shown encouraging achievements in reducing the...
The impact of sequencing decisions on multi-item lot sizing and scheduling in flow shops
The problem of sequencing, lot sizing and scheduling a number of products in flow...
Survival of the fittest – genetic algorithms versus evolution strategies in the optimization of systems models
The use of numerical optimization techniques on simulation models is a developing...
Simulation of capacity expansion and sequencing alternatives for a sheet metal producer
We present a simulation case study carried out for a make-to-order aluminium sheet...
On the quality of the data envelopment analysis model
The user of data envelopment analysis has little available guidance on model quality....
Nonlinear regression: A hybrid model
Using traditional parametric methods of regression analysis, one must make...
An investigation of aggregate variable time series forecast strategies with specific subaggregate time series statistical correlation
In order to meet demand for family-based forecasting systems, firms such as IBM and...
Reflections on systems theory and systems practice
This article will consider and discuss the ‘interfaces’ between the...
The management of OR groups: Results of a survey
This paper presents the results of a survey of OR group managers to examine the...
Do the right thing – when clients aren't clear about what they want
This article draws some methodological and organisational lessons from our experiences...
Answering the right question
The author's experience tells him three things: that close integration of thinking...
Does a threat appeal moderate reckless driving? A terror management theory perspective
A series of two studies examined the effects of threat appeals on reckless driving...
The expected time until absorption when absorption is not certain
This paper considers continuous-time Markov chains whose state space consists of an...
Markov decision processes with noise-corrupted and delayed state observations
We consider the partially observed Markov decision process with observations delayed...
Subgraph ejection chains and tabu search for the crew scheduling problem
The tabu search algorithms for the Crew Scheduling Problem (CSP) reported in this...
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