Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Scheduling with time dependent processing times: Review and extensions
In classical scheduling theory job processing times are constant. However, there are...
Choosing the best approach to matrix exponentiation
There is no ideal single approach to matrix exponentiation; an application may have...
Two-machine open shop scheduling with special transportation times
The paper considers a problem of scheduling n jobs in a two-machine open shop to...
Cyclical schedules for one-warehouse, multi-retailer systems with dynamic demands
In a one-warehouse, multi-retailer system, a cyclical schedule is characterised by...
An O(mn) Algorithm for the 1-maximin problem on a network
This paper addresses the problem of locating a point on a general network with n...
The Steiner tree problem in graphs: Worst case examples for insertion heuristics
Given a graph G with positive edge costs and a subset R of required vertices, the...
A Lagrangean approach to network design problems
Network design is a very important issue in the area of telecommunications and...
An interactive bi-objective shortest path approach: Searching for unsupported nondominated solutions
In many network routing problems several conflicting objectives must be considered....
Parallel algorithms for solving aggregated shortest-path problems
We consider the problem of computing in parallel all pairs of shortest paths in a...
Optimizing budget spendings for software implementation and testing
This article considers the problem of optimal allocation of the financial budget to a...
Improved solutions for the Chinese postman problem on mixed networks
The Chinese postman problem (CPP) is that of finding the shortest postman tour...
A tabu search heuristic for the heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problem
The Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem (HVRP) is a variant of the classical...
Heuristics for vehicle routing on tree-like networks
This paper presents two new heuristics for the vehicle routing problem on tree-like...
The fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem with time windows
This paper describes several insertion-based savings heuristics for the fleet size and...
Hybrid subgames and copycat games in a pulsing model of advertising competition
In recent papers we introduced the game of pulsing competition (PC) in advertising...
DAIRYPRO – a knowledge-based decision support system for strategic planning on sub-tropical dairy farms. I. System description
DAIRYPRO is a combination decision support and expert system consisting of two...
DAIRYPRO – a knowledge-based decision support system for strategic planning on sub-tropical dairy farms. II. Validation
The DAIRYPRO knowledge-based decision support system has been evaluated both formally...
An application of data envelopment analysis to irrigated dairy farms in Northern Victoria, Australia
In this paper, data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to assess the technical...
Risk assessment for sudden death syndrome of soybean in the north-central United States
Over the past 20 years, sudden death syndrome, caused by the soilborne fungus Fusarium...
Modelling multiple objectives of land use for sustainable development
Sustainability is a human-centred concept that comprises multiple aspects and...
Assessment of production risk in grazing models
This paper presents a series of Monte Carlo computer experiments designed to determine...
Environmental–economic decision-making in lowland irrigated agriculture using multi-criteria analysis techniques
The continuing debate on sustainability has raised wide concerns towards integration...
Toward integrated assessment in agriculture
Practitioners of agriculture increasingly find themselves in conflict with the broader...
The effect of the use of improved climate forecasts on variable costs, input usage, and production
Three economic models varying in aggregation, crops analyzed, and regions modeled are...
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