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Found 17295 papers in total
Automated guided vehicle dispatching based on workload balancing
We consider a manufacturing job shop with automated guided vehicles. Such a system is...
Object oriented manufacturing resource modelling for adaptive process planning
Computer-aided process planning (CAPP) performs an important function, integrating...
Tactical models for hierarchical capacitated lot-sizing problems with set-ups and changovers
In this paper, we propose a modelling approach for the medium term planning of...
New p-median approach to cell formulation with alternative process plans
This paper considers the machine–part clustering under the assumption of...
An interactive tool for designing manufacturing cells for an assembly job-shop
Cellular manufacturing is often implemented to reduce work in progress, materials...
Algorithm based decision support system for the concerted selection of equipment in machining/assembly cells
Equipment selection plays a major role in the performance of machining/assembly cells....
Improving linear processing systems via flexibility
In this paper we tried to improve a given stochastic processing line which is...
The effect of breakdowns on U-shaped production lines
Consider a synchronized line performing assembly or fabrication tasks. Tasks are...
A genetic algorithm for manufacturing cell formation with multiple routes and multiple objectives
This paper presents a genetic algorithm (GA) approach to the machine-component...
Quantifying benefits of conversion to lean manufacturing with discrete event simulation: A case study
Simulation is used to assist in the decision to implement lean manufacturing...
Parts-mix analysis in recycling-oriented manufacturing systems for multiple-item production
One solution to environmental problems is to construct a recycling-oriented...
Large production line optimization using simulated annealing
We present a robust generalized queueing network algorithm as an evaluative procedure...
Strategic configuration of flexible electronics assembly facilities facing stochastic requirements
Flexible configuration of manufacturing facilities is a key strategy for efficiently...
A similarity coefficient measure and machine-parts grouping in cellular manufacturing systems
For more than three decades, similarity coefficient measures – one of the...
An adaptive production control system utilizing agent technology
Agents are intelligent software objects capable of reasoning about, and interacting...
Part family identification using a simple genetic algorithm
Past research in part family identification has focused mainly on the development of...
A conceptual framework for the generation of simulation models from process plans and resource configuration
Although simulation is a popular tool for modelling and analysing modern manufacturing...
Error bound comparisons for aggregation/disaggregation techniques applied to the transportation problem
A priori and a posteriori error bounds for a transportation problem model at different...
Incorporating planned backorders in a family production context with shelf-life considerations
This paper considers the problem of determining the optimal production rate for each...
Heuristics for the traveling salesman problem with pickup and delivery
We consider the Traveling Salesman Problem with Pickup and Delivery (TSPPD), an...
A hybrid approach for concurrent layout design of cells and their flow paths in a tree configuration
The layout design of multiple-cell automated manufacturing systems includes cell...
A tour construction heuristic for the travelling salesman problem
The tour construction heuristic that generates initial tours for the tour improvement...
Fuzzy inference-based multiple criteria flexible manufacturing systems scheduling
This paper proposes a fuzzy inference-based scheduling decision for flexible...
Towards the integration of flexible manufacturing system scheduling
A substantial body of research into the problems of manufacturing scheduling has been...
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