Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
On the optimality of repair-cost-limit policies
An optimal repair/replacement problem for a single-unit repairable system with minimal...
Convergence aspects of adaptive clustering in variable aggregation
A convergent iterative aggregation procedure is described. The procedure makes use of...
An interior point method in Dantzig–Wolfe decomposition
This paper studies the application of interior point methods in Dantzig–Wolfe...
Scheduling a workforce under annualized hours
Annualized hours is a new idea in aggregate planning for seasonal businesses. Many...
A comparison of mean reduction versus variance reduction in processing times in flow shops
A constant industry challenge is to find ways to improve production capabilities...
Modelling level and demand changes in manufacturing systems
The effective analysis of industrial data is an important feature in the efficient...
Mixing macro and micro flowtime estimation model: Wafer fab example
Accurately predicting the order flowtime for a wafer fabrication is a critical task....
The optimal production and shipment policy for the single-vendor single-buyer integrated production–inventory problem
This paper considers the problem of a vendor (manufacturer) supplying a product to a...
Some design issues in cellular manufacturing using the fuzzy programming approach
Fuzzy programming models are presented in this paper for the design of cellular...
Comparing constraint programming and mathematical programming approaches to discrete optimisation – the change problem
This paper is aimed at researchers and practioners in Operational Research who are...
Algorithms for production flow analysis
Production Flow Analysis (PFA) is a manual method that helps a company to identify...
Reduced simulation models of wafer fabrication facilities
Detailed simulation models of large wafer fabrication facilities can require...
Sequence-dependent clustering of parts and machines: A Fuzzy ART neural network approach
This study addresses the problem of identifying families of parts having a similar...
Balancing and sequencing manual mixed-model assembly lines
This paper analyses some typical problems of manual, mixed-model assembly lines. In...
A neural network approach for batching decisions in wafer fabrication
This paper considers a stochastic batching problem for a batch process in wafer...
Developing a Petri-net based simulation model for a modified hierarchical shop floor control framework
One of the major arguments about hierarchical control structure is that most of the...
Cell design and loading in the presence of alternative routing
This paper deals with the design and loading of a cellular manufacturing system in the...
An efficient heuristic for the design of cellular manufacturing systems with multiple identical machines
In practice, in a manufacturing system, there are multiple machines of some machine...
Determination of unit load sizes of automated guided vehicles in multi-product multi-line assembly production systems
This study deals with the problem of determining unit load sizes of automated guided...
A hierarchical planning approach for a production–distribution system
A production–distribution model involving production and transportation...
Application of tabu search to process plan optimization for four-axis computer-numerically controlled turning centres
This paper describes our adaptation of the tabu search methodology to solve the...
Localization of the optimal solution and a posteriori bounds for aggregation
After an aggregated problem has been solved, it is often desirable to estimate the...
Log-linear and non-log-linear learning curve models for production research and cost estimation
The empirical evidence supporting the use of learning curves for planning is well...
Maintenance integration in manufacturing systems by using stochastic Petri nets
Research into both increased performance and improvements in dependability of...
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