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Found 17295 papers in total
JIT practices in supply chains: a review and modelling for supplier base reduction for electronics industry
JIT practices adopted by various industries have been reviewed and JIT purchasing has...
Extended data envelopment models and a practical tool to analyse product complexity related to product variety for an automobile assembly plant
In this paper, two extended Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) models are developed to...
An integrated framework for supplier evaluation and order allocation in a non‐crisp environment
Supplier selection and related issues are among the most important decisions in the...
SSCM: Service Supply Chain Management
Service Supply Chain Management (SSCM) is an analogous systems approach that is...
Modelling and case study of reverse logistics for construction aggregates
The paper proposes a stochastic reverse logistics model for product recovery of...
Outsourcing logistics to third‐party providers: practitioners perspectives
As a result of globalisation, companies have been forced to shift their operations...
An empirical study on supply chain management: the perspective of logistics service providers
A growing awareness that competitive advantage comes from the delivery process as much...
An integrated model for supplier selection: an automobile industry case study
In manufacturing industries, supplier selection is considered to be an important...
A comparison of coordinated supply chain inventory management systems
Supply chain operations are widely used, as they have proven very effective in...
A single‐vendor single‐buyer supply chain under conditions of permissible delay in payments
The permissible delay in payments policy is one of the widely used approaches to...
The subprime mortgage crisis and the possible effects on supplier integration strategies
The subprime mortgage crisis and the subsequent credit crunch have raised prices and...
Exploring the impact of ‘intrinsic assurance regions’ in DEA on adding value in supply chains using ‘uniquely inefficient’ decision-making units
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has been used in many studies to measure the...
Using the collaborative improvement model to improve a university hiring process
Policymakers and the public have been calling for the academic environment to improve...
The effect of TQM implementation on firm performance in the Tunisian context
Total quality management (TQM) is an integrated management system designed to make the...
A conceptual framework for managing the performance of construction supply chain
This paper conceptualises four different states of the construction supply chain...
Optimal repairable Mx/G/1 queue with multi-optional services and Bernoulli vacation
This article deals with the modified Bernoulli vacation schedule for the unreliable...
An improved heuristic for the Capacitated Lot‐Sizing (CLS) problem
In this research, we present a heuristic for the Capacitated Lot‐Sizing (CLS)...
Metaheuristics for the Integrated Machine Allocation and Layout Problem (IMALP)
The Integrated Machine Allocation and Layout Problem (IMALP) is the problem of...
Strategic end‐of‐life management of electronic assembly product recovery in sustainable supply chain systems
In the past decade, technological advances in electronic data management have spurred...
A control theory model of deployed soldiers' morale
The actions of our enemies (enemies of the USA) in the global war on terrorism...
A state‐dependent queue alternating between arrivals and services
A queueing system usually involves an arrival process, service time distribution,...
The analysis of outlying data points by robust Locally Weighted Scatter Plot Smooth: a model for the identification of problem banks
Continuing bank failures point to the need for early warning problem bank...
Defence and attack of systems with variable attacker system structure detection probability
A system consists of identical elements. The cumulative performance of these elements...
Bayesian forecasting with the Holt–Winters model
Exponential smoothing methods are widely used as forecasting techniques in inventory...
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