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Economic optimization of dairy heifer management decisions
Huirne R.B.M.
A farmer exercises control over the heifer rearing unit in two main areas: a...
A conceptual model for analysing input–output coefficients in arable farming systems: from diagnosis towards design
Koeijer T.J. de
Environmental legislation is forcing a rethink about desirable crop production...
A predictive model for beef cattle growth and carcass composition
Kilpatrick D.J.
Due to public concerns over food quality and animal welfare, beef producers are under...
On the estimation of on-farm benefits of agricultural research
Pannell D.J.
The on-farm benefits of agricultural research or extension often depend in complex...
A bioeconomic decision model comparing composted and fresh litter for winter squash
Andrews S.S.
Decision aids are needed to identify management strategies for complex agricultural...
A management approach to change on farms
Gafsi M.
The increasing importance of agro-environmental issues currently makes the management...
Operations management of distribution centers for vegetables and fruits
Broekmeulen Rob A.C.M.
We present a tactical decision model that improves the effectiveness of the operations...
Simulation in the dairy industry – a case study using SIMUL8
Campbell Christine
High software costs have been a barrier to the wider use of simulation in British...
A queuing-theory-based approach to evaluate the efficiency of a network of automated stations and of a communication system
Galliani G.
The Regional Meteorological Service for the Emilia-Romagna Region manages a network of...
Comparative economic analysis between direct and indirect wiring in the copper-based local loop
Tcha D.-W.
In a copper-based local loop, a circuit pair is indirectly connected to each...
Queueing for toilets – estimating the required number of toilets using queueing theory
McNickle Don
The New Zealand Works Consultancy Services was contracted to study the number of...
An emergency vehicle dispatching system for an electric utility in Chile
Laporte Gilbert
Chilean companies have only recently begun developing and implementing computerised...
Insolvent corporate groups with cross guarantees: A forensic-LP case study in liquidation
Houghton E.
In many countries a significant method of corporate-group capital raising is...
Frontier analysis in air pollution
Pratsini E.
Carbon containing aerosol is the most abundant particulate air pollutant species. It...
The effect of weather and climate on bicycle commuting
Nankervis Max
This study presents data on the effect of both (short-term) weather conditions and...
Analysis of human error in nursing care
Narumi Jun
Analysis of reports about incidental and accidental events in nursing care were made...
Monitoring the performance of cardiac surgeons
Sherlaw-Johnson Chris
In the past, simple methods have been used to examine the performance of surgeons by...
Monitoring surgical performance – a method that is accepted and used by cardiac surgeons
Sherlaw-Johnson Chris
OR is ultimately dependent on the implementation of improved methods. This paper...
Simulation in health care management: Modelling an outpatient clinic – an example of how simulation can assist in the improvement of health care management
Taylor Simon
Improving the management of health care is a complex business. This article introduces...
Forecasting the prison population – predicting the consequences of sentencing policy
Grove Peter
This paper describes the development of a new methodology for making...
A military reserve manpower planning model
Reeves Gary R.
A multiple objective model for manpower planning in a company sized, 100 person,...
A new look at the 3:1 rule of combat through Markov Stochastic Lanchester models
Kress M.
The 3:1 rule of combat states that in order that for the attacker to win the battle,...
Predicting the success of nations at the Summer Olympics using neural networks
Golden Bruce L.
In this paper, we construct several models that try to predict a country's success at...
To run or not?: Some dynamic programming models in cricket
Norman J.M.
In cricket, particularly near the end of an innings, batsmen of different abilities...
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