Keyword: marketing

Found 1031 papers in total
Process Tracing Analysis of Hurricane Information Displays
To study people's processing of hurricane forecast advisories, we conducted a...
‘The Dose Makes the Poison’: Informing Consumers About the Scientific Risk Assessment of Food Additives
Intensive risk assessment is required before the approval of food additives. During...
Changes in the Factors Influencing Public Acceptance of Nuclear Power Generation in Japan Since the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Public support for nuclear power generation has decreased in Japan since the Fukushima...
An Empirical Study of the Volkswagen Crisis in China: Customers’ Information Processing and Behavioral Intentions
Product‐harm crises usually lead to product recalls, which may cause consumers...
Media Coverage of Pediatric Environmental Health Risks and its Effects on Mothers’ Protective Behaviors
This study explores the relationship between exposure to U.S. media coverage of...
Bid-price behavior in network RM: Forecast decrementing and bid-price bounding
This article investigates two practical concerns with bid‐price control...
Yes, No, Perhaps? Premium Risk and Guaranteed Renewable Insurance Contracts With Heterogeneous Incomplete Private Information
The article shows that heterogeneous incomplete private information can explain the...
The Pricing of Mortgage Insurance Premiums Under Systematic and Idiosyncratic Shocks
The recent financial crisis has posed new challenges to the pricing issue of mortgage...
The Cost of Counterparty Risk and Collateralization in Longevity Swaps
Derivative longevity risk solutions, such as bespoke and indexed longevity swaps,...
Pay-as-you-weigh pricing of an air ticket: Message of media and public about the concept from a public policy perspective
The pay‐as‐you‐weigh pricing model of an air ticket, which...
Revenue management for fare families with price-sensitive demand
Fare families are becoming a popular way to organize and market airline products....
Pitfalls of airline revenue management observations
Given the high competition and the inherent variability of most markets, airlines...
A Choice-Based Mixed Integer Programming Formulation for Network Revenue Management
Airlines routinely use revenue management techniques to improve their revenue...
Synergizing RM science and airline distribution technologies: A pricing example
Distribution (‘Distribution’ is used to represent both inventory and fare...
Combining hybrid forecasting and fare adjustment with various unconstraining methods to maximize revenue in a global network with four airlines
In their competitive environment, airlines are always searching for ways to maximize...
Applying pricing and revenue management in the golf industry: Key challenges
Revenue management (RM) principles have proven to be a key success factor for airlines...
Demand forecasting and measuring forecast accuracy in general fare structures
We present a forecasting methodology that enables forecasting in general fare...
Forecasting sales of new virtual goods with the Elo rating system
With the rapid growth of online games, firms increasingly sell virtual goods for use...
Synthesizing Econometric Evidence: The Case of Demand Elasticity Estimates
Econometric estimates of the responsiveness of health‐related consumer demand...
Predicting Vaccination Intention and Benefit and Risk Perceptions: The Incorporation of Affect, Trust, and Television Influence in a Dual-Mode Model
Major health behavior change models tend to consider health decisions as primarily...
Framing Effects in Narrative and Non-Narrative Risk Messages
Narrative messages are increasingly popular in health and risk campaigns, yet...
Carrots or Sticks? Improving Social and Environmental Compliance at Suppliers Through Incentives and Penalties
Firms are increasingly looking to eradicate social and environmental...
Repurposing Materials and Waste through Online Exchanges: Overcoming the Last Hurdle
Online material and waste exchanges (OMWEs) provide online channels to repurpose...
Supplier Capacity and Intermediary Profits: Can Less Be More?
We identify market conditions under which intermediaries can thrive in...
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