Journal: Algorithmica

Found 758 papers in total
Improved Competitive Performance Bounds for CIOQ Switches
Combined Input and Output Queued (CIOQ) architectures with a moderate fabric speedup S...
Approximation Algorithms and Hardness Results for Packing Element‐Disjoint Steiner Trees in Planar Graphs
We study the problem of packing element‐disjoint Steiner trees in graphs. We...
External Memory Planar Point Location with Logarithmic Updates
Point location is an extremely well‐studied problem both in internal memory...
Layered Working‐Set Trees
The working‐set bound [Sleator and Tarjan in J. ACM 32(3), 652–686, 1985]...
Bipartite Matching in the Semi‐streaming Model
We present the first deterministic 1+ ϵ approximation algorithm for finding...
Average Case Analysis of Moore’s State Minimization Algorithm
We prove that the average complexity of Moore’s state minimization algorithm is...
Polynomial Kernelizations for MIN F+Π 1 and MAX NP
It has been observed in many places that constant‐factor approximable problems...
Minimum Manhattan Network Problem in Normed Planes with Polygonal Balls: A Factor 2.5 Approximation Algorithm
Let ℬ be a centrally symmetric convex polygon of ℝ 2 and ∥ p - q...
Online Randomized Multiprocessor Scheduling
The use of randomization in online multiprocessor scheduling is studied. The problem...
Parallel Algorithms for Partitioning Sorted Sets and Related Problems
We consider the following partition problem: Given a set S of n elements that is...
Finding the k Shortest Paths in Parallel
A concurrent‐read exclusive‐write PRAM algorithm is developed to find...
Simple Algorithms for the On‐Line Multidimensional Dictionary and Related Problems
The on‐line multidimensional dictionary problem consists of executing...
Fast Spatial Decomposition and Closest Pair Computation for Limited Precision Input
In this paper we show that if the input points to the geometric closest pair problem...
A Unified Approach to Conic Visibility
In this paper we present linear time algorithms for computing the shortest path tree...
Sorting by Short Block‐Moves
Sorting permutations by operations such as reversals and block‐moves has...
Linear Size Binary Space Partitions for Uncluttered Scenes
We describe a new and simple method for constructing binary space partitions (BSPs) in...
On Space Efficient Two Dimensional Range Minimum Data Structures
The two dimensional range minimum query problem is to preprocess a static m by n...
Caching Is Hard–Even in the Fault Model
We prove strong ℕℙ ‐completeness for the four variants of caching...
Feasibility Analysis of Sporadic Real‐Time Multiprocessor Task Systems
We give the first algorithm for testing the feasibility of a system of sporadic...
When LP Is the Cure for Your Matching Woes: Improved Bounds for Stochastic Matchings
Consider a random graph model where each possible edge e is present independently with...
f‐Sensitivity Distance Oracles and Routing Schemes
An f‐sensitivity distance oracle for a weighted undirected graph G ( V , E ) is...
Local Search Algorithms for the Red‐Blue Median Problem
In this paper, we consider the following red‐blue median problem which is a...
A Complete Characterization of Group‐Strategyproof Mechanisms of Cost‐Sharing
We study the problem of designing group‐strategyproof cost‐sharing...
The Power of Fair Pricing Mechanisms
We explore the revenue capabilities of truthful, monotone (‘fair’)...
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