Journal: Algorithmica

Found 758 papers in total
Static Frequency Assignment in Cellular Networks
A cellular network is generally modeled as a subgraph of the triangular lattice. In...
The Dense k ‐Subgraph Problem
This paper considers the problem of computing the dense k ‐vertex subgraph of a...
Ancient and New Algorithms for Load Balancing in the lp Norm
We consider the on‐line load balancing problem where there are m identical...
On Two Class‐Constrained Versions of the Multiple Knapsack Problem
We study two variants of the classic knapsack problem, in which we need to place items...
A Randomized Algorithm for Approximate String Matching
We give a randomized algorithm in deterministic time O(N log M) for estimating the...
Efficient Parallel Computation of the Characteristic Polynomial of a Sparse, Separable Matrix
This paper is concerned with the problem of computing the characteristic polynomial of...
Simple Algorithms for Multimessage Multicasting with Forwarding
We consider multimessage multicasting over the n processor complete (or fully...
Parallel Algorithms for Series Parallel Graphs and Graphs with Treewidth Two
In this paper a parallel algorithm is given that, given a graph G=(V,E) , decides...
Algorithms for the On‐Line Travelling Salesman
In this paper the problem of efficiently serving a sequence of requests presented in...
Equivalence of e ‐Approximate Separation and Optimization in Fixed Dimensions
Given a closed, convex set X\subseteq \bbR n , containing the origin, we consider the...
Efficient Algorithms for Integer Programs with Two Variables per Constraint
Integer programs with m constraints, each with two variables, we present an O(mU) time...
Reactive Local Search for the Maximum Clique Problem
A new Reactive Local Search ( LS ) algorithm is proposed for the solution of the...
Steiner Minimal Trees with One Polygonal Obstacle
In this paper we study the Steiner minimal tree T problem for a point set Z with...
On Nonlinear Parametric Search
An alternative viewpoint for parametric search is presented, which achieves a bound...
Optimal Edge Ranking of Trees in Linear Time
Given a tree, finding an optimal node ranking and finding an optimal edge ranking are...
A Generalization of a Lower Bound Technique due to Fredman and Saks
In a seminal paper of 1989, Fredman and Saks proved lower bounds for some important...
Circular Separability of Polygons
Two planar sets are circularly separable if there exists a circle enclosing one of the...
Efficient Construction of Minimum Makespan Schedules for Tasks with a Fixed Number of Distinct Execution Times
This paper addresses scheduling problems for tasks with release and execution times....
Optimal Search and One‐Way Trading Online Algorithms
This paper is concerned with the time series search and one‐way trading...
A One‐Step Crust and Skeleton Extraction Algorithm
We wish to extract the topology from scanned maps. In previous work [GNY] this was...
Efficient Regular Data Structures and Algorithms for Dilation, Location, and Proximity Problems
In this paper we investigate data structures obtained by a recursive partitioning of...
Constraint‐Based Processing of Multiway Spatial Joins
A multiway spatial join combines information found in three or more spatial relations...
Robust Distance‐Based Clustering with Applications to Spatial Data Mining
In this paper we present a method for clustering geo‐referenced data suitable...
Structural Lines, TINs, and DEMs
The standard method of building compact triangulated surface approximations to terrain...
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