Journal: Algorithmica

Found 758 papers in total
On capital investment
We deal with the problem of making capital investments in machines for manufacturing a...
Linear-space algorithms that build local alignments from fragments
This paper presents practical algorithms for building an alignment of two long...
Lower bounds for set intersection queries
We consider the following set intersection reporting problem. We have a collection of...
Weighted and unweighted maximum clique algorithms with upper bounds from fractional coloring
The linear programming relaxation of the minimum vertex coloring problem, called the...
Algorithms for dense graphs and networks on random-access computers
We improve upon the running time of several graph and network algorithms when applied...
Primal–dual approximation algorithms for integral flow and multicut in trees
We study the maximum integral multicommodity flow problem and the minimum multicut...
Generation of polynomial-time algorithms for some optimization problems on tree-decomposable graphs
Recent work in the design of efficient algorithms for optimization problems on...
Parametric optimization of sequence alignment
The optimal alignment or the weighted minimum edit distance between two DNA or amino...
Optimal-algorithms for dissemination of information in some interconnection networks
The problems of gossiping and broadcasting in one-way communication mode are...
A fast algorithm for the generalized parametric minimum cut problem and applications
Many combinatorial optimization problems are solved by a sequence of network flow...
Extracting maximal information about sets of minimum cuts
There are two well-known, elegant, compact, and efficiently computed representations...
A faster parametric minimum-cut algorithm
Gallo et al recently examined the problem of computing on-line a sequence of k maximum...
On the efficiency of maximum-flow algorithms on networks with small integer capacities
The performance of maximum-flow algorithms that work in phases is studied as a...
A new algorithm for scheduling periodic, real-time tasks
The paper considers the problem of preemptively scheduling a set of periodic,...
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