Minimum Manhattan Network Problem in Normed Planes with Polygonal Balls: A Factor 2.5 Approximation Algorithm

Minimum Manhattan Network Problem in Normed Planes with Polygonal Balls: A Factor 2.5 Approximation Algorithm

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Article ID: iaor2012689
Volume: 63
Issue: 1
Start Page Number: 551
End Page Number: 567
Publication Date: Jun 2012
Journal: Algorithmica
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: graphs, combinatorial optimization

Let equ1 be a centrally symmetric convex polygon of ℝ2 and ∥p-q∥ be the distance between two points p,q∈ ℝ2 in the normed plane whose unit ball is equ2 . For a set T of n points (terminals) in ℝ2, a equ3network on T is a network N(T)=(V,E) with the property that its edges are parallel to the directions of equ4 and for every pair of terminals t i and t j , the network N(T) contains a shortest equ5 ‐path between them, i.e., a path of length ∥t i -t j ∥. A minimum equ6 ‐network on T is a equ7 ‐network of minimum possible length. The problem of finding minimum equ8 ‐networks has been introduced by Gudmundsson, Levcopoulos, and Narasimhan (APPROX’99) in the case when the unit ball equ9 is a square (and hence the distance ∥p-q∥ is the l 1 or the l ‐distance between p and q) and it has been shown recently by Chin, Guo, and Sun (Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp. 393–402, 2009) to be strongly NP‐complete. Several approximation algorithms (with factors 8, 4, 3, and 2) for the minimum Manhattan problem are known. In this paper, we propose a factor 2.5 approximation algorithm for the minimum equ10 ‐network problem. The algorithm employs a simplified version of the strip‐staircase decomposition proposed in our paper (Chepoi et al. in Theor. Comput. Sci. 390:56–69, 2008, and APPROX‐RANDOM, pp. 40–51, 2005) and subsequently used in other factor 2 approximation algorithms for the minimum Manhattan problem.


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