Entropy-based random number evaluation

Entropy-based random number evaluation

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Article ID: iaor1997768
Country: United States
Volume: 15
Issue: 1/2
Start Page Number: 115
End Page Number: 153
Publication Date: Jan 1995
Journal: American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences
Authors: , , ,
Keywords: simulation

Previous work has shown how to test a simple hypothesis of uniformity on the interval (0,1) by using spacings-based estimates of entropy. In this paper the authors use Monte-Carlo methods to extend previous tables of critical points and power for such entropy tests to the large sample sizes likely to be desirable when evaluating the output of one or more random number generators. A comparison with asymptotic critical points and power is made. The results are used to evaluate a number of commonly used random number generators, which are of importance in such areas as bootstrapping. At least one random number generator is found unsuitable for use. Since a generator cycling on .00, .01, .02,...,.99 (to more digits) could have a sample entropy of nearly zero, this test is appropriate only for generators that pass other extensive testing, such as the TESTRAND tests.


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