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Found 17049 papers in total
A fast tabu search algorithm for the job shop problem
A fast and easily implementable approximation algorithm for the problem of finding a...
Analyticity of single-server queues in light traffic
Recently, several methods have been proposed to approximate performance measures of...
Heuristic scheduling of parallel heterogeneous queues with set-ups
The authors consider the problem of allocating a single server to a system of queues...
Stability and queueing time analysis of a reader-writer queue with alternating exhausting priorities
This paper considers a reader-writer queue with alternating exhaustive priorities. The...
Medical resident work schedules: Design and evaluation by simulation modeling
Society has demanded reform in medical resident work scheduling; consequently,...
Rejection rules in the M/G/1 queue
The authors consider a M/G/1 queue modified such that an arriving customer may be...
A scheduling policy with maximal stability region for ring networks with spatial reuse
A slotted ring that allows simultaneous transmissions of messages by different users...
Relating polling models with zero and nonzero switchover times
The authors consider a system of N queues served by a single server in cyclic order....
Lattice path counting and M/M/c queueing systems
The authors apply the lattice path counting method to the analysis of the transient...
M/G/1 retrial queueing systems with two types of calls and finite capacity
The authors consider an M/G/1 priority retrial queueing system with two types of calls...
Estimation of retrial rate in a retrial queue
The paper considers estimation of the rate of retrials for an M/M/1 repeated orders...
Sensitivity analysis of regenerative queueing models
Queueing models described as regenerative processes driven by several sequences are...
Two processes interacting only during breakdown: The case where the load is not lost
This paper deals with two parallel processors interacting only during breakdown. The...
Invariance of stationary probabilities of states for network of multiserver queues
A queueing network consisting of multiserver nodes with different sources of customers...
Waiting time distributions for closed M/M/N processor sharing queues
The paper considers a multiple server processor sharing model with a finite number of...
Earliness-tardiness scheduling around almost equal due dates
The just-in-time concept in manufacturing has aroused interest in machine scheduling...
Quasi-reversible multiclass queues with order independent departure rates
This paper introduces a new class of queues which are quasi-reversible and therefore...
Discrete time queues with delayed information
The authors study the behavior of a single-server discrete-time queue with batch...
An M/M/s-consistent diffusion model for the GI/G/s queue
This paper develops a diffusion-approximation model for a stable GI/G/s queue: The...
Departures in GRXn/Gn/•
Departure processes in infinite server queues with non-Poisson arrivals have not...
Stochastic scheduling of parallel queues with set-up costs
The authors consider the problem of allocating a single server to a system of queues...
On the characterization of the departure rules for discrete-time queueing networks with batch movements and its applications
The purpose of this note is to correct some errors in an earlier paper by the author...
Sample path large deviations and intree networks
Using the contraction principle. This paper derives a set of closure properties for...
Cost-based due-date assignment wtih the use of classical and neural-network approaches
Traditional methods of due-date assignment presented in the literature and used in...
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