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A Stroock formula for a certain class of Lévy processes and applications to finance
Eddahbi M.
We find a Stroock formula in the setting of generalized chaos expansion introduced by...
Modeling customized product configuration in large assembly manufacturing with supply-chain considerations
Lu Roberto F.
Dynamic variability in low-volume and highly customized products of a large assembly...
Aligning demand and supply flexibility in custom product co-design
Tseng Mitchell M.
Flexibility of supply and demand is essential for successful implementation of a mass...
The impact of operations redesign on the safety stock investment in supply chains
Yue Xiaohang
This study is motivated by a real problem encountered in the manufacturing and...
Supply chain focus dependent safety stock placement
Yang Kai
Increasing globalization, growing product range diversity, and rising consumer...
Minimizing makespan on parallel machines with machine eligibility restrictions
Liao Ching-Jong
In this paper, we consider a parallel machine problem where machines and jobs can be...
Client/server system success: exploring the human side
Igbaria Magid
Client/server systems (CSS) are emerging as the new paradigm for systems development,...
Team-level antecedents of individuals' knowledge networks
Munson Charles L.
Individuals' knowledge networks are widely considered to contribute substantially to...
The effect of team leader characteristics on learning, knowledge application, and performance of cross-functional new product development teams
Sarin Shikhar
This study examines how leadership characteristics in new product development teams...
Does knowledge mediate the effect of context on performance? Some initial evidence
Drge Cornelia
This research examines the links among four firm context variables, knowledge, and...
The effects of knowledge management on team members' ratings of project success and impact
Singhal Vinod R.
Many organizations are trying to improve the generation and utilization of knowledge....
The dynamic programming equation for the problem of optimal investment under capital gains taxes
Touzi Nizar
This paper considers an extension of the Merton optimal investment problem to the case...
A note on interpersonal and communication skills for IS professionals: evidence of positive influence
Klein Gary
A recent article by Byrd and Turner reported that interpersonal skills on the part of...
Dynamic programming: An introduction by example
Zietz Joachim
The author introduces some basic dynamic programming techniques, using examples, with...
Separable dynamic programming and approximate decomposition methods
Bertsekas Dimitri P.
We consider control, planning, and resource allocation problems involving several...
Improving decision effectiveness of artificial neural networks: a modified genetic algorithm approach
Sexton Randall S.
This study proposes the use of a modified genetic algorithm (MGA), a global search...
All-pairs shortest paths with real weights in O(n3/log n) time
Chan Timothy M.
We describe an O(n 3 /log n) -time algorithm for the all-pairs-shortest-paths problem...
Dynamic programming for minimum Steiner trees
Kern W.
We present a new dynamic programming algorithm that solves the minimum Steiner tree...
Effectiveness of joint estimation when the outlier is the last observation in an autocorrelated short time series
Booth David E.
The effectiveness of the joint estimation outlier detection method as a process...
Linking objectives to actions: a decision support approach based on cause–effect linkages
Platts Ken
The process of translating objectives into actions is a difficult task. This...
Decision making with uncertain judgments: a stochastic formulation of the analytic hierarchy process
Hahn Eugene D.
In the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), priorities are derived via a deterministic...
Optimization model for allocating water in a river basin, during a drought
Abolpour Behrouz
Optimization of water use is a complex problem in a large scale river basin. One of...
A dynamic programming model for optimal planning of aquifer storage and recovery facility operations
Uddameri V.
Aquifer storage recovery (ASR) is an innovative technology with the potential to...
A Bayesian network estimation of the service–profit chain for transport service satisfaction
Anderson Ronald D.
Bayesian network methodology is used to model key linkages of the service–profit...
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