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Found 17049 papers in total
On the equivalence of general and specific control in organizations
Most principal–agent relationships in firms are multidimensional. In the...
Stochastic network interdiction
Using limited assets, an interdictor attempts to destroy parts of a capacitated...
A scaling algorithm for multicommodity flow problems
We present a penalty-based algorithm that solves the muticommodity flow problem as a...
Solving the orienteering problem through branch-and-cut
In the Orienteering Problem (OP), we are given an undirected graph with edge weights...
Approximating shortest paths in large-scale networks with an application to intelligent transportation systems
We propose a hierarchical algorithm for approximating shortest paths between all pairs...
Using feature construction to improve the performance of neural networks
Recent years have seen the growth in popularity of neural networks for business...
Nonlinear filtering and optimal quality control
Some stochastic models of optimal decision processes in quality control problems are...
Exact solution of the Two-Dimensional Finite Bin Packing Problem
Given a set of rectangular pieces to be cut from an unlimited number of standardized...
Optimal balancing of U-shaped assembly lines
This note presents an integer programming formulation for determining the balance for...
An algorithm for single-item capacitated economic lot sizing with piecewise linear production costs and general holding costs
We consider the Capacitated Economic Lot Size Problem with piecewise linear production...
Lot sizing in general assembly systems with setup costs, setup times, and multiple constrained resources
We introduce a heuristic method for finding good, feasible solutions for multiproduct...
A single-period, multi-echelon stochastic model under a mix of assemble to order and assemble in advance policies
This article presents a stochastic model for a single-period production system...
The stock size problem
Consider a number of jobs that have to be completed within some fixed period of time....
A multiclass hydrid production center in heavy traffic
This paper presents an analysis of a single-stage hybrid production system that makes...
A subassembly manufacturing yield problem with multiple production runs
We consider the assembly of a product that needs to exceed a certain length. The...
Scheduling with finite capacity output buffers
In many scheduling problems, a job that completes processing may need to be held in an...
Scheduling with finite capacity input buffers
In many scheduling problems, a newly released job must be stored in an input buffer...
Using variable redefinition for computing lower bounds for minimum spanning and Steiner trees with hop constraints
We use variable redefinition to strengthen a multicommodity flow (MCF) model for...
Connections between integer linear programming and constraint logic programming – An overview and introduction to the cluster of articles
The fields of integer linear programming and constraint logic programming have...
Integer linear programming and constraint programming approaches to a template design problem
We describe a design problem arising in the color printing industry and discuss a...
A methodology for designing flexible cellular manufacturing systems
Cell formation in cellular manufacturing deals with the identification of machines...
Properties of some combinatorial optimization problems and their effect on the performance of integer programming and constraint logic programming
The comparative performance of Integer Programming (IP) and Constraint Logic...
Using tool life models to minimize processing time on a flexible machine
Economic tool life models are presented for machines with finite capacity tool...
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