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Found 17049 papers in total
Managing redundancy in distributed computer networks: A state transition graph approach for the stashing problem
Managing redundant information is becoming an important issue in today's increasingly...
Improving decision making by means of a marketing decision support system
Marketing decision makers are confronted with an increasing amount of information....
Managing experimentation in the design of new products
Experimentation, a form of problem-solving, is a fundamental innovation activity and...
An axiomatic characterization of a class of locations in tree networks
In this paper we describe four axioms that uniquely characterize the class of...
Performance budgeting resuscitated: Why is it still inviable?
Performance budgeting had been tried once and failed. Is there any reason to believe...
Characteristics associated with audit delay in the monitoring of low income housing projects
Federal agencies rely heavily on the annual audit report to monitor the stewardship of...
In search of decentralization and deconcentration: Local autonomy and fiscal reform in Korea
Decentralization initiatives that focus mainly on electoral and political processes...
Public budgeting and financial management in Sub-Saharan Africa: A critical survey
The survey of Sub-Saharan countries shows that after nearly two decades of stagnation,...
Public expenditure management in Asian countries
Expenditure management practices in Asia shows that these vary from the...
Recent budgetary reforms in Singapore
The article examines recent reforms in the financial and resource management of...
Economics of product development by users: The impact of ‘sticky’ local information
Those who solve more of a given type of problem tend to get better at it—which...
An analysis of product lifetimes in a technologically dynamic industry
The conventional wisdom that product lifetimes are shrinking has important...
Stationary policies in multiechelon inventory systems with deterministic demand and backlogging
A stationary policy conducts replenishment activities—the placement and...
An (S – 1, S) inventory system with fixed shelf life and constant lead times
We consider an ( S – 1, S ) type perishable inventory system in which the...
The stabilizing effect of inventory in supply chains
This paper presents a hierarchical model framework for the analysis of the stabilizing...
Managing stochastic multiproduct systems: Model, measures, and analysis
We consider a model for managing a single stage that produces multiple items. The...
Evaluation of installation stock based (R, Q)-policies for two-level inventory stystems with Poisson demand
We consider a two-level inventory system with one warehouse and N retailers. Leadtimes...
Coordinated replenishments from multiple suppliers with price discounts
In this study we present an integer programming model for determining an optimal...
The impact on rack configuration on the speed profile of the storage and retrieval machine
The travel-time models of automated storage/retrieval machines, proposed by Chang et...
Diagnosis with dependent symptoms: Bayes theorem and the analytic hierarchy process
Judgments are needed in medical diagnosis to determine what tests to perform given...
Optimal batch provisioning to customers subject to a delay-limit
This work deals with batch provisioning and order aggregation. Two examples are: (i) a...
Heuristics for multicomponent joint replacement: Applications to aircraft engine maintenance
This paper considers the maintenance of aircraft engine components where economies...
Modifying customer expectations of price decreases for a durable product
We study the introductory signalling strategy for a durable product that faces...
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