Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
The mover– stayer model for the HIV/AIDS epidemic in action
Short- and medium-term projections of the HIV/AIDS epidemic indicators are of great...
Software development practices, software complexity, and software maintenance performance: A field study
Software maintenance claims a large proportion of organizational resources. It is...
A dynamic HIV-transmission model for evaluating the costs and benefits of vaccine programs
We developed a dynamic model of HIV transmission to evaluate the costs and benefits of...
Interval protection of confidential information in a database
We deal with the question of how to maintain security of confidential information in a...
Designing HIV vaccination policies: Subtypes and cross-immunity
We developed and used mathematical models to assess vaccine programs for controlling...
Stochastic-tree models in medical decision making
The stochastic tree is a recently introduced generalization of the decision tree which...
The impact of discharge decisions on health care quality
In this paper, we present a normative study that describes the impact of discharging...
Using product profiling to illustrate manufacturing–marketing misalignment
As companies choose among process alternatives, they need a clear understanding of the...
Clearance pricing and inventory policies for retail chains
Clearance pricing and end of season inventory management are challenging and important...
Valuing oil properties: Integrating option pricing and decision analysis approaches
There are two major competing procedures for evaluating risky projects where...
STDSIM: A microsimulation model for decision support in sexually transmitted diseases control
STDSIM is a dynamic stochastic simulation method for decision support in attempts to...
Combat modeling of remotely targeted vehicles and a battery against a moving target
This paper considers a combined system composed of multiple stand-by remotely piloted...
Assessing the importance of design through product archaeology
This paper assesses the importance of design in determining product costs by measuring...
The evolution of a performance measurement project at RTZ
In 1994, RTZ Corporation plc, the world's largest mining company, tried to reconcile...
Solution of the multisource Weber and conditional Weber problems by d.-c. programming
D.-c. programming is a recent technique of global optimization that allows the...
Approval voting, Borda winners, and Condorcet winners: Evidence from seven elections
We analyze 10 three-candidate elections (and mock elections) conducted under approval...
The aircraft maintenance routing problem
Federal aviation regulations require that all aircraft undergo maintenance after...
Estimating the cost of capital through time: An analysis of the sources of error
Practitioners needing estimates of a firm's equity cost of capital have long relied on...
Optimal updating of forecasts for the timing of future events
A major problem in forecasting is estimating the time of some future event....
Santa Fe Railway uses an operating-plan model to improve its service design
Santa Fe Railway's intermodal business unit has developed an innovative approach to...
Airbus packing at Federal Express
Success in the express-mail market hinges on paying attention to every parcel in the...
Centralized bakery reduces distribution costs using simulation
To improve the efficiency of product distribution for a centralized bakery, I first...
DRIVE: Dynamic routing of independent vehicles
We present DRIVE (Dynamic Routing of Independent VEhicles), a planning module to be...
A note on the convexity of service-level measures of the (r, q) system
This note gives a simple proof that in an ( r, q ) system the average outstanding...
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