A single-period, multi-echelon stochastic model under a mix of assemble to order and assemble in advance policies

A single-period, multi-echelon stochastic model under a mix of assemble to order and assemble in advance policies

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Article ID: iaor19991681
Country: United States
Volume: 45
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 599
End Page Number: 614
Publication Date: Sep 1998
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Keywords: inventory, programming: integer

This article presents a stochastic model for a single-period production system composed of several assembly/processing and storage facilities in series. The production system operates under a composite strategy of the assemble to order and assemble in advance policies. The developed mathematical model is simpler and more compact than the ones provided in earlier articles. Moreover, the formulation allows the optimal inventory levels at the start of the period to be determined from the solution to the well-known newsboy problem. We also analyze the problem under the free distribution approach which only assumes the knowledge of the first two moments of the demand distribution. The robustness of this approach is tested by carrying an extensive experimental comparison using different demand distributions. Finally, the composite model is extended by considering the effects of some budgetary constraints.


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