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Found 17049 papers in total
Multicriteria goal games
In this paper, we deal with multicriteria matrix games. Different solution concepts...
Theoretical and experimental study of crossover operators of genetic algorithms
This paper is concerned with crossover operators for genetic algorithms (GAs) which...
Convariance and relaxation time in finite Markov chains
The relaxation time T REL of a finite ergodic Markov chain in continuous time, i.e.,...
Elementary methods for failure due to a sequence of Markovian events
This paper is concerned with elementary methods for evaluating the distribution of the...
Monotone measures of ergodicity for Markov chains
The following paper, first written in 1974, was never published other than as part of...
A two-timescale stochastic approximation scheme for simulation-based parametric optimization
A two-timescale stochastic approximation scheme which uses coupled iterations is used...
On certain random polygons of large areas
Consider the tesselation of a plane into convex random polygons determined by a unit...
Multiclass production systems with setup times
We consider polling systems with random setup times, and show that if setup times are...
Submodular returns and greedy heuristics for queueing scheduling problems
We consider a range of controlled stochastic systems satisfying conservation laws...
Differences in subjective risk thresholds: Worker groups as an example
Subjective risk perceptions are often encoded as responses to 0–1 questions in...
Adaptive memory tabu search for binary quadratic programs
Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of applying adaptive memory tabu...
Well-solvable special cases of the traveling salesman problem: A survey
The traveling salesman problem belongs to the most basic, most important, and most...
On the performance of heuristics on finite and infinite fractal instances of the Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem
We show how, by a constructive process, we can generate arbitrarily large instances of...
Admission policies in loss queueing models with heterogeneous arrivals
In this paper we consider a loss system where the arrivals can be classified into...
Control of a single-server tandem queueing system with setups
This paper considers the control of a single-server tandem queueing system with...
Optimal load balancing on distributed homogeneous unreliable processors
We consider optimal load balancing in a distributed computing environment consisting...
Correlation-induction techniques for estimating quantiles in simulation experiments
A simulation-based quantile estimator measures the level of system performance that...
On derivative estimation of the mean time to failure in simulations of highly reliable Markovian systems
The mean time to failure (MTTF) of a Markovian system can be expressed as a ratio of...
Simulating the control of a heterosexual HIV epidemic in a severely affected east African city
We compared three intervention strategies for preventing heterosexual transmission of...
Simulation with Visual SLAM and AweSim
Simulating weights restrictions in data envelopment analysis by means of unobserved Decision Making Units
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a method for assessing the comparative efficiencies...
Improved moment-estimation formulas using more than three subjective fractiles
PERT-type subjective estimations are used in many stochastic decision models to...
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