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Found 17049 papers in total
Transferring, translating, and transforming: an integrative framework for managing knowledge across boundaries
The paper examines managing knowledge across boundaries in settings where innovation...
Distal and local group learning: performance trade-offs and tensions
There is increasing recognition that group members learn not only within the group...
A supply chain model with reverse information exchange
We develop a model and analyze reverse information sharing, a growing business...
Firm- and country-level trade-offs and contingencies in the evaluation of foreign investment: the semiconductor industry, 1994–2002
This paper examines the joint impact of firm- and country-level factors on the...
On the dialectics of strategic alliances
Using Van de Ven and Poole's extensive assessment of process theories as intellectucal...
Chinese organizations in transition: changing promotion patterns in the reform era
Since the 1980s, the People's Republic of China has embarked on a path of economic...
Guanxi practices and trust in management: a procedural justice perspective
Taking a procedural justice perspective, we examined the effect of guanxi practices in...
Generation cohorts and personal values: a comparison of China and the United States
This study investigated the generation cohort value orientations of 774 Chinese and...
Rewards-allocation preferences of Chinese employees in the new millennium: the effects of ownership reform, collectivism, and goal priority
The ownership restructuring of Chinese state-owned enterprises, launched in 1992, has...
Safeway designs mixed-product pallets to support just-in-time deliveries
In 1998, Safeway milk plants began daily deliveries to most stores, doubling their...
Channel bargaining with retailer asymmetry
Manufacturers of consumer products often complain of lower profits in light of the...
Household life cycles and lifestyles in the United States
Household life cycle has been widely used as a determinant of consumer behavior and a...
Enriching scanner panel models with choice experiments
This research examines the methods, viability, and benefits of pooling scanner panel...
A comparison of online and offline consumer brand loyalty
In this study we compare consumer brand loyalty in online and traditional shopping...
Consumer sequential search: not enough or too much?
We study sequential search behavior in a generalized “secretary problem”...
Long-run effects of promotion depth on new versus established customers: three field studies
We use the results of three large-scale field experiments to investigate how the depth...
Centralized pricing versus delegating pricing to the salesforce under information asymmetry
The issue of delegating pricing responsibility to the salesforce is of interest to...
An empirical analysis of determinants of retailer pricing strategy
This paper empirically investigates the determinants of retailers' pricing decisions....
Reactance to recommendations: when unsolicited advice yields contrary responses
Recommendations often play a positive role in the decision process by reducing the...
A choice model for packaged goods: dealing with discrete quantities and quantity discounts
Utility maximizing solutions to economic models of choice for goods with either...
Contingent pricing to reduce price risks
The price for a product may be set too low, causing the seller to leave money on the...
Optimizing Rhenania's direct marketing business through dynamic multilevel modeling (DMLM) in a multicatalog-brand environment
We introduce Dynamic Multilevel Modeling (DMLM) to a multicatalog-brand environment to...
“Let me talk to my manager”: haggling in a competitive environment
Although negotiating over prices with sellers is common in many markets such as...
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