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Found 17049 papers in total
The additive risk model for purchase timing
This paper proposes the Additive Risk Model (ARM), first used by Aalen, to explain...
Implications of reduced search cost and free riding in e-commerce
This paper examines a market where the provision of information service is costly, but...
Modeling multiple sources of state dependence in random utility models: a distributed lag approach
We propose a utility-theoretic brand-choice model that accounts for four different...
Modeling browsing behavior at multiple websites
While there is a growing literature on investigating the Internet clickstream data...
Communication strategies and product line design
When selling a product line, a firm has to consider the costs of communicating about...
Technological advances, transaction costs, and consumer welfare
Consumers incur many transaction costs in purchasing and using most products. This...
The effects of free sample promotions on incremental brand sales
The authors present a model of free sample effects and evidence from two field...
Who benefits from store brand entry?
Store brand entry has become a key issue in marketing as it may structurally change...
A choice model with conjunctive, disjunctive, and compensatory screening rules
Many theories of consumer behavior involve thresholds and discontinuities. In this...
Costs and benefits of inducing intraband competition: the role of limited liability
When is inducing intraband competition (via nonexclusive distribution) an optimal...
Evolutionary estimation of macro-level diffusion models using genetic algorithms: an alternative to nonlinear least squares
In this paper, we provide theoretical arguments and empirical evidence for how Genetic...
An empirical analysis of territorial encroachment within franchised and company-owned branded chains
Franchises within large branded chains loudly complain of a form of channel conflict...
Multicollinearity and measurement error in structural equation models: implications for theory testing
The literature on structural equation models is unclear on whether and when...
Buyer search costs and endogeneous product design
Buyer search costs for price are changing in many markets. Through a model of buyer...
Market roll-out and retailer adoption for new brands
This paper proposes a descriptive model of the spatial and temporal evolution of...
Social contagion and income heterogeneity in new product diffusion: a meta-analytic test
Standard diffusion models capture social contagion only coarsely and do not allow one...
Top-25-business-school professors rate journals in operations management and related fields
I obtained quality ratings and rankings of 39 journals in operations management and...
Using online conversations to study word-of-mouth communication
Managers are very interested in word-of-mouth communication because they believe that...
Customizing promotions in online stores
The main objective of this paper is to provide a decision-support system of...
Modeling online browsing and path analysis using Clickstream data
Clickstream data provide information about the sequence of pages or the path viewed by...
How dynamic consumer response, competitor response, company support, and company inertia shape long-term marketing effectiveness
Long-term marketing effectiveness is a high-priority research topic for managers, and...
Do returns policies intensify retail competition?
Padmanabhan and Png argue that returns policies intensify retail competition and...
Experiential learning processes of exploitation and exploration within and between organizations: an empirical study of product development
This article examines a fundamental characteristic of modern organizations: the...
How organizations change: the role of institutional support mechanisms in the incorporation of higher education visibility strategies, 1874–1995
This paper develops the argument that institutional mechanisms support changes in...
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