Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
A simple Tabu Search method to solve the mixed-integer linear bilevel programming problem
Multilevel programming is characterized as mathematical programming to solve...
Testing integer knapsacks for feasibility
We present a new approach for determining whether there exist nonnegative integers x 1...
A fully polynomial epsilon approximation cutting plane algorithm for solving combinatorial linear programs containing a sufficiently large ball
A cutting plane algorithm is presented for finding ϵ-appropriate solutions to...
Theoretical investigations on the modified integer round-up property for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem
Many numerical computations show a small difference only between the optimal value of...
Solution methods for material requirement planning with lot-size dependent lead times
A mixed zero–one programming model of an MRP lot-sizing problem whose lead times...
Schedule based production
This paper presents an integrated production planning and control approach called...
Minimizing deviations from the group mean: A new linear programming approach for the two-group classification problem
This paper proposes a new linear programming approach to solve the two-group...
Lot-sizing rules and freezing of the master production schedule in material requirements planning systems
Freezing the master production schedule (MPS) is one of the frequently used methods...
Optimal procedures for the discrete time/cost trade-off problem in project networks
We describe two algorithms, based on dynamic programming logic, for optimally solving...
Project management with time, cost, and quality considerations
In the project management literature, quantitative models were developed for project...
A note on an iterative forward/backward scheduling technique with reference to a procedure by Li and Willis
In this note we propose an iterative scheduling technique which consists of...
A multiple-tree search procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem
For over three decades, researchers have sought effective solution procedures for...
A K-step look-ahead analysis of Value Iteration algorithms for Markov decision processes
We introduce and analyze a general look-ahead approach for Value Iteration Algorithms...
A combined constaint-space, objective-space approach for determining high-dimensional maximal efficient faces of multiple objective linear programs
Characterizations for efficient faces and certain maximal efficient faces of the...
An interactive approach for vector optimization problems
This paper deals with an interactive approach for vector optimization problems. The...
Using aspiration levels in an interactive interior multiobjective linear programming algorithm
In this paper, we propose the use of an interior-point linear programming algorithm...
Using approximate gradients in developing an interactive interior primal–dual multiobjective linear programming algorithm
We present a new interactive multiobjective linear programming algorithm that is based...
Statistical quality control and improvement
Quality has become a key determinant of success in all aspects of modern industry,...
An extension of Rahim and Banerjee's model for a process with upper and lower specification limits
In this paper, we consider the model of Rahim and Banerjee for a process with random...
Comparative studies in interactive multiple objective mathematical programming
In the past two decades, there has been a significant increase in the number of...
InterQuad: An interactive quad tree based procedure for solving the discrete alternative multiple criteria problem
In this paper an interactive procedure based upon a data structure called a quad tree...
Implied constraints and an alternate unified development of nonlinear programming theory
This paper offers an alternate unified view of nonlinear programming theory from the...
Analysis of a synchronization station for the performance evaluation of a kanban system with a general arrival process of demands
The kanban system has attracted wide interest in recent years, and a lot of work has...
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