Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Cost-efficient network synthesis from leased lines
Given a communication demand between each pair of nodes of a network, we consider the...
Optimal expansion of capacitated transshipment networks
In this paper, we address the problem of allocating a given budget to increase the...
A heuristic for blocking flow algorithms
This note presents a simple heuristic to speed up algorithms for the maximum flow...
Equivalence of the primal and dual simplex algorithms for the maximum flow problem
In this paper, we study the primal and dual simplex algorithms for the maximum flow...
Minimizing a linear multiplicative-type function under network flow constraints
In this paper, we consider a special class of nonconvex network flow problems, whose...
Heuristics and exact algorithms for solving the Monden problem
Sequencing units on an assembly line in order to obtain a regular requirement of...
Active training of backpropagation neural networks using the learning by experimentation methodology
This paper proposes the Learning by Experimentation Methodology to facilitate the...
Neural network models: Foundations and applications to an audit decision problem
We investigate the possiblity of applying artificial intelligence to solve an audit...
The weight decay backpropagation for generalizations with missing values
The purpose of this study is to investigate the generalization power of a modified...
UNIK-OPT/NN neural network based adaptive optimal controller on optimization models
When the future information for an optimization model is not complete, the model tends...
Hybrid neural network models for bankruptcy predictions
The objective of this paper is to develop the hybrid neural network models for...
Learning experiments with genetic optimization of a generalized regression neural network
This paper reports a study unifying optimization by genetic algorithm with a...
Nonparametric econometric modelling: A neural network approach
Neural networks have received a great deal of attention from many researchers. One of...
Integrating AI and optimization for decision support: A survey
Optimization models have been the workhorses of computer based decision support. Their...
A search space toolkit: SST
The Search Space Toolkit (SST) is a suite of tools for investigating the properties of...
On genetic algorithms for the packing of polygons
A genetic algorithm for placing polygons on a rectangular board is proposed. The...
Fast local search and guided local search and their application to British Telecom's workforce scheduling problem
This paper reports a fast local search (FLS) algorithm which helps to improve the...
Learning to recognize (un)promising simulated annealing runs: Efficient search procedures for job shop scheduling and vehicle routing
Simulated Annealing (SA) procedures can potentially yield near-optimal solutions to...
Network configuration and machine layout in fixed-path material handling systems
In this paper, we address a difficult combinatorial problem that arises in designing...
Computational comparison on the partitioning strategies in multiple choice integer programming
In this paper we review the theoretical background of two partitioning strategies, the...
Conditional subgradient optimization – theory and applications
We generalize the subgradient optimization method for nondifferentiable convex...
A note on programming problems with linear-plus-linear-fractional objective functions
In a recent paper Chadha presented a dual of a maximization problem for the sum of a...
Logical representation of integer programming models
From the formulation point of view, the Integer Programming (IP) formulation is no...
Anticipatory Pruning Networks and forward checking in CLP over continuous domains
In this paper, the notion of the Anticipatory Pruning Network (APN) is introduced and...
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