A multiple-tree search procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

A multiple-tree search procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem

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Article ID: iaor19982182
Country: Netherlands
Volume: 89
Issue: 3
Start Page Number: 525
End Page Number: 542
Publication Date: Mar 1996
Journal: European Journal of Operational Research
Authors: ,

For over three decades, researchers have sought effective solution procedures for PERT/CPM types of scheduling problems under conditions of limited resource availability. This paper presents a procedure for this problem which takes advantage of the emerging technology provided by multiple parallel processors to find and verify an optimal schedule for a project under conditions of multiple resource constraints. In our approach, multiple solutions trees are searched simultaneously in the quest for a minimum duration schedule. Global upper and lower bound information in common memory is shared among processors, enabling one or several processors to prune potentially significant portions of its search tree based upon bounds discovered by a processor using a different search tree. Computational experience is reported both for problems in which resources are available in constant amounts per period, as well as the much more difficult problem in which the resources available are allowed to vary over the schedule horizon (e.g. travel, sick leave, assignment to other tasks or projects, and so forth). The modular multiple-tree search procedure described in this paper is quite general, permitting most types of existing serial search strategies to be adapted to this approach where multiple processors are available.


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