Country: Netherlands

Found 18376 papers in total
Pseudo-invexity and duality in nonlinear programming
The purpose of this paper is to study various duality results in nonlinear programming...
On the M/G/1 machine interference model with spares
In this paper a recursive method is developed to obtain the steady state probability...
The management of congestion
The term ‘congestion’ conjures up a variety of undesirable memories of...
A lot sizing model with queueing delays: The issue of safety time
The objective of this paper is to introduce the concept of safety time in a...
A new approach to continuation methods for complementarity problems with uniform P-functions
We design a new continuation method for the solution of nonlinear complementarity...
Robustness of single machine scheduling problems to earliness and tardiness penalty errors
The Early/Tardy Machine Scheduling Problem is often proposed as a model of the...
LP relaxation of the two dimensional knapsack problem with box and GUB constraints
In the present paper we derive an O( n 2 log n ) algorithm for the linear programming...
Job shop scheduling with group-dependent setups, finite buffers, and long time horizon
Scheduling is a key factor for manufacturing productivity. Effective scheduling can...
Optimal access control for broadband services: Stochastic knapsack with advance information
Suppose that call reservation requests of K different types arrive randomly at a...
Scheduling large robotic cells without buffers
A robotic cell is a manufacturing system that is widely used in industry. A robotic...
Genetic learning through simulation: An investigation in shop floor scheduling
This paper considers the automated learning of strategies for real-time scheduling in...
Object-oriented model construction in production scheduling decisions
The importance of rapid and automated model development for decision support is...
Scheduling problems with repetitive projects: A comparison of a simulated annealing, a genetic and pair-wise swap algorithm
We address the problem of scheduling in programs involving the production of multiple...
Quadratic resource allocation with generalized upper bounds
In this paper we present an algorithm for solving a quadratic resource allocation...
A simulated annealing and tabu search mixture algorithm for the scheduling tardiness problem
In the daily activity of workshops the problem of minimizing delay in dispatching is...
SIMPSON: An intelligent assistant for short-term manufacturing scheduling
In this paper, we describe the process by which we modeled day-to-day scheduling...
Setting planned lead times for multi-operation jobs
This paper deals with the problem of how to assign planned lead times for...
Large deviations of the sojourn time for queues in series
We consider an open queueing network consisting of an arbitrary number of queues in...
Scheduling about a given common due date to minimize mean squared deviation of completion times
In this paper the problem of minimizing the mean squared deviation (MSDP) of job...
Spectral expansion solution for some finite capacity queues
The spectral expansion method is successfully extended for the steady-state solution...
Scheduling jobs with different, job-dependent earliness and tardiness penalties using the Slack Time (SLK) method
The single machine job scheduling problem, where due dates are assigned using the SLK...
Bursty traffic and finite capacity queues
Traffic on high-speed networks is expected to be ‘bursty’. This has...
A dominant subset of V-shaped sequences for a class of single machine sequencing problems
In this note we define a subset of V-shaped sequences, ‘V-shaped about T...
A finite capacity multi-server multi-queueing priority model with non-renewal input
We consider a non-preemptive head-of-the-line multi-server multi-queueing priority...
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