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A strategy for evolution of algorithms to increase the computational effectiveness of NP-hard scheduling problems
Li Der-Chiang
We explored a method of applying techniques of inductive learning from artificial...
Mean value analysis for product-form cyclic queueing networks with blocking
Cl M. Claudia
The paper analyzes the class of product-form queueing network models with cyclic...
Minimizing mean tardiness subject to unspecified minimum number tardy for a single machine
Duffuaa S.O.
In this paper we propose a hybrid branch and bound algorithm for solving the problem...
A convolution algorithm for product-form queueing networks with blocking
Cl M. Claudia
Queueing network models with finite capacity and blocking can be used to represent...
Preemptive scheduling in a two-stage multiprocessor flow shop is NP-hard
Lenstra J.K.
In 1954, Johnson gave an efficient algorithm for minimizing makespan in a two-machine...
Analysis of queueing networks with blocking using a new aggregation technique
Strelen Johann Christoph
Queueing networks with repetitive-service blocking are investigated. The state...
Modelling setup times, process batches and transfer batches using activity network logic
Herroelen Willy S.
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how modelling ideas and solution...
Arbitrary open queueing networks with server vacation periods and blocking
Kouvatsos Demetres D.
A cost-effective decomposition algorithm is proposed for the approximate analysis of...
Task scheduling with and without communication delays: A unified approach
Efe Kemal
The problem of scheduling directed acyclic task graphs on an unbounded number of...
Performance evaluation of open queueing networks with arbitrary configuration and finite buffers
Dallery Y.
We consider an open queuing network consisting of servers linked in an arbitrary...
A general lower bound for the makespan problem
Webster Scott T.
The problem of scheduling jobs on identical parallel processors to minimize makespan...
Throughput estimation in cyclic queueing networks with blocking
Gershwin S.B.
The paper presents a new approach for estimating the throughput of a closed queueing...
The method of entropy maximisation for arbitrary closed queueing networks with repetitive service-blocking and multiple job classes
Kouvatsos Demetres D.
A new product-form approximation, based on the method of entropy maximisation (MEM),...
A parallel genetic-neuro scheduler for job-shop scheduling problems
Lee H.C.
Despite relentless efforts on developing new approaches, there are still large gaps...
Approximate analysis of networks of PH|PH|1|K queues with customer losses: Test results
Haverkort Boudewijn R.
We address the approximate analysis of large, open networks of general finite-buffer...
Scheduling families of jobs with setup times
Emmons Hamilton
We review the current state of scheduling theory concerning the processing of several...
Bounds and error bounds for queueing networks
Dijk Nico M. van
Queueing networks are an important means to model and evaluate a variety of practical...
Scheduling with bicriteria: Total flowtime and number of tardy jobs
Kondakci Suna Koksalan
In this paper the problem of minimizing total flowtime and number of tardy jobs on a...
Analyzing service blueprints using phase distributions
Berkley Blair J.
This paper presents a method for representing and analyzing stochastic service...
Scheduling with priority dispatching rules and drum-buffer-rope in a recoverable manufacturing system
Guide V. Daniel
The development of environmentally conscious manufacturing systems has become of...
Optimizing flow rates in a queueing network with side constraints
Blanc J.P.C.
In this paper, modified versions of the classical deterministic maximum flow and...
A simple heuristic for buffer design in finite-capacity queues
Tijms Henk C.
A practically important problem is the design of finite buffers in order to achieve a...
Discrete NT-policy single server queue with Markovian arrival process and phase type service
Alfa Attahiru Sule
We consider a discrete time single server queueing system in which arrivals are...
Queueing models with delayed state-dependent service times
Wang Pu Patrick
In a state-dependent queueing model, the service rate is adjusted at both epochs of...
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