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Markov chain Monte Carlo estimation of autoregressive models with application to metal pollutant concentration in sludge
Barnett G.
This paper provides an introduction to and an overview of Bayesian estimation, based...
Representation and analysis of behavior for multiprocess systems by using stochastic Petri nets
Sugasawa Y.
This paper proposes a new approach to visually represent the behavior of multiprocess...
Bounds for the quasi-stationary distribution of some specialized Markov chains
Kijima M.
The quasi-stationary distributions of Markov chains have been investigated by many...
A field service support system using a queueing network model and the priority MVA algorithm
Papadopoulos H.T.
In many companies, the field service (FS) department plays an important role,...
The determination of quasistationary distributions directly from the transition rates of an absorbing Markov chain
Pollett P.K.
There are many stochastic systems arising in areas as diverse as wildlife management,...
Retrieval sequencing for unit-load automated storage and retrieval systems with multiple openings
Lee Heungsson Felix
Automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) have made a dramatic impact on...
A learning experience with SSM-Using Soft Systems Methodology for the first time in primary schools
Moore Martin
For isolating holistic improvement actions in case studies and management consultancy,...
School timetabling using heuristic search
Wright Mike
This paper concerns a computer system which produces the bulk of the timetable for a...
Examination timetabling: Algorithmic strategies and applications
Carter Michael W.
Examination timetabling is an important operational problem in many schools, colleges...
Impact of empty vehicle flow on optimal flow path design for semidirectional AGV systems
Sun X.-C.
This paper addresses the flow path design issue of automated material handling...
Confidence regional method of stochastic spanning tree problem
Ishii H.
The authors consider a P model version of stochastic spanning tree problems with...
Nuclear fusion: Some linked case studies in community operational research
Rosenhead Jonathan
Work is described with a group of voluntary agencies providing housing and other...
Multi-job cutting stock problem with due dates and release dates
Li Shanling
The common feature of cutting stock problems is to cut some form of stock materials to...
The uset of random weights for the training of multilayer networks of neurons with Heaviside characteristics
Downs T.
Artificial neural networks have, in recent years, been very successfully applied in a...
The G4-heuristic for the pallet loading problem
Scheithauer Guntram
A new heuristic for the well-known (two-dimensional orthogonal) pallet loading problem...
A local optimization-based solution to the rectangle layout problem
Moll Robert
This paper applies a family of heuristics to solve the rectangle layout problem. The...
The judge, the model of the judge, and the model of the judged as judge: Analyses of the UK 1992 research assessment exercise data for business and management studies
Doyle J.R.
This paper examines the judgments (part of a multi-million pound government-sponsored...
Multi-criterion models for higher education administration
Mustafa A.
During the past two and a half decades, there has been a steady growth in the number...
Modelling the impact of temperature on electricity consumption in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia
Al-Ibrahim Abdulla A.
An econometric model is developed to forecast electricity consumption and study the...
Multi-attribute decision support in the event of a nuclear accident
French Simon
Retrospective studies of nuclear accidents such as those at Three Mile Island and...
Concurrent engineering design using interval methods
Karni Reuven
Modern design practice has displaced serial approaches in favour of concurrent...
Explicit optimal value for Dynkin’s stopping game
Yasuda M.
Under the One-step Look Ahead rule of Dynamic Programming, an explicit game value of...
Forecasting Austrian IPOs: An application of linear and neural network error-correction models
Haefke Christian
This paper applied cointegration and Granger-causality analyses to construct linear...
A neural network approach to mutual fund net asset value forecasting
Urban T.L.
In this paper, an artificial neural network method is applied to forecast the...
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